Strange Alpha
“Alpha,there’sanew wolf in the area that’s asking for pass-through rights. Says he’s looking for his son, an omega,” Axel, my second and also my brother, informed me.
Glancing up from my paperwork strewn over the large mahogany desk, I nodded at my brother. “Is he here?”
Axel nodded, a complicated emotion passing over his face immediately putting me on my guard.
“Show him in, Axel.”
Chase, I need you to sit in on this.I voiced the thought through our pack link. My other brother, one of the beta twins, Chase, had an uncanny ability to tell if someone was lying or had ulterior motives. A skill that was increasingly useful as I worked to undo the damage that my father had done to the pack during his rule.
On my way, Alpha.
I still struggled with the title. I’d been the alpha of the Sweetwater pack officially for barely a year now and I’d gotten us back into the black financially, had the betas building new pack housing, and babies were being born to happier omegas. Just seeing pups, or kits, babies of any alter species being born gave me hope for the future survival of my pack.
Axel ducked out of the room, calling for the visitor to enter, Chase hurrying to follow.
Running an assessing look over the man that preceded Chase into the room, I took his measure and found him wanting. There was something wrong… off, with the way that the large man held himself, like he… I searched for the right words, my wolf giving me the image of a fight. Yes, like he was on the brink of violence. His hair, a dark brown, was messy in an unkempt way and overlong. His eyes were an insipid brown. The man was likely quite older than me - since we aged more slowly than humans - but looked around mid thirties. He had pleasing features, though his nose looked like it had been broken, probably several times, and not reset squarely, so it was off center with a bump on the bridge. His chin was a little weak, and the set of his jaw suggested a mulish temperament.
I don’t like him.Axel’s thoughts came through clearly and I felt agreement from Chase in the link. We cut the three of us off from the rest of the pack hierarchy because of our blood bond. Having a separate pack link was incredibly useful.
“Alpha Blake,” the man bowed his head the minimum amount to show proper respect. Axel let out a small growl, and the man inclined his head further, showing his neck in a weak show of submission. “Rincoln Hayes, asking for pass-through rights, sir.”
“Take a seat, please” I indicated the comfortable armchairs set in front of the desk. I’d purposefully positioned the desk so only a wall was behind me. Those seated in the chairs were always left unsettled that they had the open door at their backs and felt vulnerable to a potential attack. Shifters on edge gave away their secrets easier, and this guy reeked of secrets and would likely try to feed me a bunch of little untruths.
From his scent alone, I could tell he was pack-less. Independent wolves were fine, not very common, but if they were wanderers by nature, then they were usually well-balanced individuals. I’d need to check this guy’s wrists because he acted like an exile, someone who’d been ejected from a pack. Those I didn’t trust, with good reason. Although some exiles could be rehabilitated and taken back into a pack, they were few and far between. Their scars would vanish when they took on a new pack oath. Time would tell about this one. Careful, my wolf advised. This strange man had my wolf’s hackles raised.
“Rincoln, thank you for saving my enforcers from chasing after you. There had been reports of a wanderer nearby, so I’m glad you showed your face.” The man shuffled slightly in his seat.
Three fucking days we hunted for him. Axel was not amused since making sure the territory was safe fell to him as my second, along with our head enforcer, our cousin, Deke.
“Thank you for seeing me, Alpha.” The simpering tone wasn’t quite mocking, just toed the line. I hated this fucker already, but until he actually broke any sort of law, human or supernatural, then I’d have to tolerate him.
Ugh, I hate everything about this weird dude. My wolf wants him out of here. Chase projected.
“Can I assume you are alone? Asking for rights for a party without the whole party being present isn’t acceptable, I’m afraid.”
“I am, although when I find my son, I’ll be sending for his betrothed.”
He’s been alone so far. Axel confirmed.
No lies yet. Chase’s infinitesimal movement caught my attention, and I glanced at him. We’d have a debriefing after this meeting, but he clearly had thoughts about this situation. Betrothed? What the fuck?This isn’t the dark ages! My brothers echoed my thoughts. I worked to keep outwardly calm, the alpha mask in place.
“Another alpha designated shifter, I assume?”
“That’s correct. A wolf.”
Returning my gaze to Rincoln, I noticed an almost imperceptible flinch when my eyes landed on his before he looked away. Good, I was the higher alpha in the room. “If that happens and the other alpha comes to this area, he will have to ask for pass-through rights for himself.”
Chase moved again. Use the link Chase. Reminding him distracted me for a second as I struggled to think what conditions he’d want me to put on that. “I cannot guarantee that those will be granted.” I watched for his reaction and noticed his nostrils flare quickly. Hmm, he didn’t like that, did he?
He’s watching us use the link and I don’t want him to think you’re led by us and see it as a weakness. Chase explained.
Fair point.
Without the opinions of my brothers, I found myself stuck between a rock and a hard place. I didn’t like the guy, but that wasn’t a reason to dismiss him without the rights he was after.