I shrugged. “I was having a good day when you last saw me.” The subject needed to be changed. “Poppy, this is Dakota. He’s been helping me as I get better. I need to check what kind of magic I’m allowed to use while I recover.”

“What did the doctor say?”

“Well, he wasn’t all that clear, so I need to know if I can still use my talisman. I’d like to go back to work next week, but I can’t if my dad is still in the area and I’m leaving my scent all over the place.”

Poppy gave it some thought. “I’m going to get some advice from the healer that treated you. Hold on a sec.”

Dakota and I waited, Dakota encouraging me to sit in the chair with him resting on his arms along the back of it, as Poppy went into the back to make her call. “Have you been here before?” I asked him.

“Nah, never had a need. My family has their own small pack with some other bears in the area. The alpha and their second deal with all our needs that way. My dad is the pack healer and my papa is a trained nurse. I’m too low in the order for any responsibility.”

“Does that bother you?”

“Honestly? Not really. My bear likes where we are in the pack. I have family and friends to run with. I don’t need to lead the pack to feel important.” Another plus point in his favor. I liked that he wasn’t ambitious.

We sat in silence as we waited, not needing to fill the quiet with inane chatter. I was grateful that I’d gotten to the point with Dakota that I felt comfortable with him.

Poppy returned looking pensive and guilt tugged at me for putting her in the position where she ended up being reprimanded. “The good news is that your talisman is fine to wear. We can keep up all the wards on your house and car. Bad news though, they won’t consider you being able to use any potions until after a successful natural heat and you managing to sustain shifting.”

Fuck. “Seriously?”

She looked contrite. “I’m really sorry, Kade. I explained the rumors about your dad.”

“What rumors?” asked Dakota, looking mildly alarmed.

Poppy looked between us. “That he’s in Sweetwater.”

“Fucking hell!” Dakota burst out. “How the fuck did I not put that together from what you told me?”

“The council confirmed on the phone that they’ve had an information request for a Rincoln Hayes from the alpha, Blake Sweetwater, so I guess those rumors are true.” My mind spun as I digested her words.

“No magic?”

“None that you have to ingest, but they have given me leave to give you some protection.” With that, she flitted around the shop, gathering up ingredients and spells and lining them up on the counter.

After a brief lesson on how to activate them and their purpose, I paid and Dakota ushered me out of the store, not allowing me any time to stay and chat with Poppy. I would have argued, but I could feel his tension. He checked our surroundings as he hurried me to his truck. “Let’s pick up drive-through and head back to yours.”

“Hey, Kade?” Dakota asked as he sat himself down on my couch, putting our food order on the coffee table.

“Yeah?” I was distracted by looking through the bag to see what he’d ordered.

He adjusted his position next to me and I turned to look at him. Discomfort marred his features. “Um...my papa would like you to come to our full moon shift later.”

“Your Papa?” My stomach swooped. “Your Papa knows about me?” Dakota winced as my voice rose.

“Not all of it, just that you haven’t been well with the blockers and magic and I’ve been looking after you a bit,” he hedged, and I was pretty sure there was more to it than that.

I sighed. I had to trust that Dakota wouldn’t have repeated anything that would put me in danger. He knew enough about my history, but that deeper sense told me that he was here to protect me, not harm me.


“I know it might be too soon for you to shift, but it’d be good for you to be around shifters. It might help call out your wolf.”

I considered it for a moment. “It’s worth a shot,” I hedged.

Dakota beamed, and I couldn’t help but return his smile. The man had been the perfect companion as I recovered. He made me the most delicious food to eat, told me when to take naps, and was always available for cuddles.

Gradually, over the week, we’d entered into this strange relationship, a sort of weird sibling/parent thing that on the surface made no sense, but in my soul just felt right. Dakota didn’t feel like mine. Even when my wolf had been around, we’d never had a draw to him, but with my wolf absent, my gut told me that Dakota was important for reasons that would eventually be clear. I wondered if The Luna was trying to guide me, if she had forgiven me for hurting my wolf self that she had gifted me.