We dashed to the door and opened it just as the woman was about to pass by, “excuse me?” Poppy called, “could you help us for a second?”

The woman looked between us, looking at me more warily than Poppy, and decided we weren’t about to harm her on an increasingly busy street. “Sure, what can I do?” her voice was high and melodic.

“Sniff him and tell me what you think he is,” Poppy said, pointing unnecessarily at me.

I was more sure that she was a swan as she stepped closer, giving us both an amused look. Her fire-engine red lips twisted into a smile. We stepped away from the door as she wrinkled her nose at the smell of all the magic. Then she took a few breaths of the air surrounding me. “Beta wolf, I’d say,” she said finally and firmly.

“Thank you,” I said, “and you are an omega swan?” I had to go by instinct since I couldn’t smell a thing. I put it down to spending the last half hour in the magic shop and dismissed my worries.

“Correct. Now I must be going. Did I get it right?”

“You did,” Poppy assured her, “thank you for your time.”

Together, we re-entered the store, and Poppy dropped into my vacated chair. “Wow, that’s so cool!”

I laughed, the sound light and free. The relief was staggering, and I felt myself smile. This potion changed everything.