

ThefrontofKade’s house was chaotic. We’d been given an estimated location from Councilman Ford and confirmation from Poppy that Roan was working for the council and had been in to get his cuffs off. She’d given him some magical supplies and a password to get through the spells protecting the house.

With that information, we were sorting out the cars and packing things we thought we’d need.

Axel was tinkering with his vehicle, champing at the bit to go. “Motherfucker! They’ve trashed my truck!”

I headed over to where he was trying to get the engine to turn over. We didn’t have time for this shit. We needed to get to Kade straight away. “What’s going on?”

“It won’t start. I’ll pop the hood and have a look.” Axel was working to keep his fury under control and seeing him losing it had me pulling my feelings under control. There was only time for one freak out at once. I hadn’t realized how attached he’d become to Kade. Axel looked frantic. He ducked and looked under the hood, cursing again. “They’ve cut the fuel line. There’s no way to get this up and running right now.”

Fuck! “What about Kade’s car?” I asked, grasping at straws.

“I’ve a feeling it’s the same.” Yeah, me too, I thought. My wolf was pacing. Time wasn’t on our side.

Together, we looked and saw the same damage. I did some calculations. There wasn’t enough room in the cars the bears had taken to Kade’s for us all to get back, and that’s even if we left Roan. If he came through for us, there was no way I was doing that.

The fact was, we had no idea what we were walking into, so we needed the space.

A familiar truck came hurtling down the street, shifting into park next to the curb. Deke jumped out of the truck in the space of a blink. “Alpha, we have a few enforcers in place protecting the omegas and all the pups. We’d checked a few of the men out, but went with women, knowing what some of the omegas had been through.” He gave me his report, and I saw Alpha Jason give me a head nod.

I clapped him on the back, “thanks. It’s a weight off to know the pack is in good hands. Chase okay?”

“Furious that he isn’t here, but he’ll cope.” Deke shrugged and gestured to his truck. “Let’s go.”

“Axel!” I called for my brother. “I’ve got us a ride.” In all my haste to get moving, I’d forgotten that Deke was coming to give us assistance. He was one of the best fighters in either form that I’d ever seen. The perfect back up if things went sideways.

“Deke —“

“No. We are all coming home.”

“But —“

“No, cousin. If you don’t come back, then neither am I. I’ll follow you anywhere, you hear?”

I nodded.

“Same, little bro.” Axel agreed.

“Is everyone ready to head out?” Alpha Jason shouted over, breaking the moment.

“We are, let’s go.”

The drive was surprisingly short. Kade was being kept on the outskirts of Sweetwater. I was grateful for that. If things went wrong... if they hurt anyone... It helped that we weren’t too far from a hospital.

Deke drove, and I sat up front, navigating using an app, while Axel stayed on a group call with the other cars. We’d checked out the last known location of the phone and it was an isolated farm. There was no way to drive up and surprise them, so we’d have to leave the cars at a distance and run the rest of the way.

Chase had updated that six of our enforcers were unaccounted for. “Stay off the pack link. Just shut it down completely until we put the traitors down. Only kill if you can’t knock them out.”

“Yes, Alpha,” my companions said in unison.

The tension was thick in the truck as we got closer to our destination. Each of us mentally prepared for what was ahead. We knew that there was a kill order for Rincoln and discretion on any of the other shifters that had taken Kade. It was a heavy weight knowing that we could be ending precious shifter lives, but at the same time, Rincoln and his followers didn’t have any respect for the rights of our most important ones; omegas. He’d lost sight of the fact each of the designations was valuable and held a function.

We found a small woodland walk and parking area a distance from the farm to pull in. Too nervous and worried for Kade, I allowed the older alpha to take charge and split us up into smaller groups. Each would approach a different side of the farmhouse. According to the maps app we used, the barn was too dilapidated to keep animals in, let alone people. From a defensive standpoint, the farmhouse made more sense. It was lower in the valley, meaning there wasn’t a lot of cover for us to hide behind.

They sent Axel with Dakota and Deke was by my side as we tucked low and dashed down the hill to the house. We were to stay in our human forms unless the situation changed. I saw my companions all nearing the place simultaneously, as if we’d timed it perfectly.