“Whatever. He and your betrothed should be here later on.”

“Then what?”

“Who knows? Who cares? Not me, for one. You omegas should know your place, and that’s doing what your alpha tells you to do.”

“You mean Rincoln don’t you?”

He fixed me with a stare. “Yeah.”

“Except he isn’t my alpha.”

“You’re unmated.”

“True, but I don’t belong to my father’s pack anymore. Not that it technically exists. I’ve joined another pack. Took the oath. Can’t you smell it on me?”

“Fucking magic.” Kaine rubbed at his nose. His tattooed fingers were grimy and his nails bitten to the quick. He had the air of a man that was barely keeping it together.

“Tickles the nose doesn’t it? What did you use, by the way? Need to know in case I need medical attention.” I was laying it on thick. It was likely that whatever they’d done had no lasting effect, other than keeping me down longer than intended.

My wolf was fully present with me, closer than they had been in months. I felt good despite my situation and I trusted in the bond that I had with my alpha, my mate. Blake would figure shit out and I’d help him take these guys and Rincoln down.

“Just a sleeping draught turned into vapor. You were only supposed to stay asleep for an hour.”

So, I wasn’t too far away from Sweetwater then if they had gotten me to where they were holding me and had time to be concerned that I wasn’t waking up. I tried to think of places that they could hold me that were maybe forty-five minutes from my house. I was estimating and giving time, to be sure. They would have wanted me secure by the time I woke up in case I shifted. The more information that I could gather, the better.

“So, why are you helping Rincoln?” Hardly the smoothest segue, but I needed the reasoning. I had to know if there was a way to save Kaine from his alpha. The council might be another issue entirely, but maybe Blake would put a good word in for Kaine if the reason was decent.

“None of your business!” he snapped, and I flinched. Kaine turned and fled the room, leaving me alone to figure things out.

I must have fallen asleep again because I woke to the smell of bacon and eggs along with hot, bitter coffee. Struggling to get into a sitting position with the chains, I gave Kyle a grateful smile as he set the plate and cup down in easy reach. He helped me move the chains without knocking my meal and I thanked him softly. He blushed and muttered a “you’re welcome,” before scuttling out of the room.

Though my stomach was uneasy, my nerves over being kidnapped affecting my appetite, I knew I had to eat to maintain my strength. Especially since I didn’t know what I was in for. The eggs were light and fluffy, the bacon crisp, just how I liked it, so I ignored my worries and cleared my plate.

Once finished, I looked for somewhere to empty my aching bladder. There was a plumbed in toilet a short distance away from the bed and I hoped the chains would allow me to move that far. Carefully, I maneuvered over and relieved myself, annoyed that I couldn’t quite reach the sink to wash my hands. Back on the bed, I wrapped the blanket around myself and waited for what was next.

My thoughts roamed, and my senses told me that Kyle would be easy enough to convince to give me freedom, but the others knew that and would test me with him. I just had to sit tight and wait for help to come, as much as I hated the idea.

It felt like late morning, the dim light of the basement never changing, before Rincoln appeared. He stood at the bottom of the staircase, just observing me. I didn’t speak to him, but I could feel the fury emanating from him at the way I’d been treated. Stupid as it sounded, I understood. He wanted me taken from my home, but not harmed. As his son, I was his property, after all. I had several bruises that had no explanation. Coupled with the fact that I was practically naked and shivering under a smelly blanket, I was hardly being treated as the prince I was to him.

I heard his grumble, “fucking chains!” and he turned, storming up the stairs and slamming the door. I easily heard the roars from above. There were more voices this time. My wolf hearing picked out the voices of Kaine, Kyle, and Mitchell easily. Then there were at least two others and the man that called himself my father. He was pissed. Absolutely furious at them for the marks on my body and the chains that kept me in place. Rincoln despised that they left me on display and vulnerable and demanded that I be given clothing and something warmer to lie under.

Surprisingly, he left me chained even though he’d argued about it. Maybe he sensed I would try to escape or hurt someone if I got free.

They sent Kyle to tend to me. Mitchell watched as, arm by arm, Kyle removed my cuffs to get the sweater and jeans they allowed me to have. They left me barefoot and given another, thicker blanket.

Once dressed, they left again, and Rincoln returned. He found a chair and sat a safe distance away from me.

It was more than a little disconcerting to be under his study. I resisted the urge to squirm and looked at him. The monster that had nearly killed me, thought he owned me, and had taken Papa from me. His chestnut brown hair was longer and needed cutting. More than that, he looked weary.

“You look good, son,” he eventually said.

I didn’t reply, conflicted at the sound of his warm voice. It brought me back to my childhood. I hadn’t lied to Dakota. My childhood had been great, and I’d grown up treasured, maybe a little spoiled. I’d always navigated life safe in the knowledge that my parents adored me.

“I understand you go by Kade, now. After your Papa’s uncle. It was a shame that you never got to meet him. Jasper’s family weren’t the... nicest of people, but your Uncle Kade was, The Luna keep him.” Rincoln actually managed to seem cut up about my uncle’s untimely loss. “Does your Papa like your new name?”

I closed my eyes against the pain that washed over me. “No. I’ve not spoken to Papa in five years!” I bit out.

“I find that hard to believe.” He told me plainly.