Dakota led me away from the dancefloor and I tugged on his arm to stop him, “Where are we going?”

“Maybe it’s better if you see the process in action first before picking for yourself. Some omegas like to put on a show.”

“A show?” I echoed, feeling off kilter. This was a whole new world to me, so I trusted Dakota and followed him deeper into the club and around the corner. We came out into another area, but rather than rooms, there were open booths that contained beds. Curtains covered some of them, providing a modicum of privacy from prying eyes. Not ears though, since pants and moans could be heard from a couple of them. The music was lower here and the lights lower, adding to the ambiance.

A cute little omega came bouncing over to us and launched himself at Dakota, who grabbed the guy into a tight hug and let him wrap himself around my friend. “You’re here!” he squealed, his dark chocolate eyes sparkling with mischief. He nuzzled Dakota’s neck. He pecked a quick kiss on Dakota’s lips and pulled back to look at him properly. “Would you be my alpha later?” he asked with a sassy grin. “It’s always sooo good with you!” I shifted on my feet, feeling uncomfortable. Realizing that he’d interrupted something, the omega looked between us. “Unless you have plans.” He looked a little put out, as if I’d stolen his favorite toy.

“Oh, Hiroshi, uh, Kade is —“ Dakota stammered, still holding the omega close. It was hard to tell in the low lighting, but I could swear that he was blushing. The pair looked completely at ease with each other.

“Kota’s only showing me how this works. I think we decided it would blur too many lines if he took me through it himself,” I cut in to explain.

“You wanna watch?” Hiroshi asked me. “Kota does until he smells the change. Then he likes to drag me off and keep me to himself.” He looked entirely too pleased about that and was not at all self-conscious about the idea of us watching him.

“Um...” I didn’t know what to say. I thought it would be easy to watch a stranger have sex, but now I’d been sort of introduced to the guy, I wasn’t sure.

Dakota lowered Hiroshi to the floor and spanked his butt. “You’re making Kade uncomfortable. Go find your betas and I’ll see you later, okay?”

Hiroshi gave us a grin and scampered over to where two betas were sitting. They all seemed to know each other well.


Dakota understood what I was trying to ask him. “I’ve taken Hiroshi through his heats four times now. He likes to bring them forward a couple of days. Says it’s easier to cope when he controls when they start.” I nodded my head in understanding. “He’s early though, by at least a week. Usually, it’s a couple of days and the last time he messaged me.” Dakota pulled his phone out of his pocket, unlocked it, and smiled. “Yup, there’s a text there from him.”

“Do you really watch him?”

He looked back at Hiroshi with the two betas. They’d moved to a bed on a platform that had a swing next to it and were all making out together. Hiroshi looked to be in his element and there was a small part of me that was jealous of how free he was in himself and his sexuality. He seemed to thrive off of the attention he was getting and sure enough, a small crowd had appeared to watch him. Dakota’s lips twisted in a smile. “Yeah, he loves it, really works him up and brings on his heat faster.”

I swallowed down my trepidation. It would be useful to see how the betas treated the omega, and they had invited us to watch. “We can stay for a bit, if you like, I mean.” I volunteered.

Giving me a strange look first, Dakota shrugged and put a hand on my lower back to guide me to a better viewing point. There was a high table with stools close to where the trio were so we could sit and watch the action.

On the bed-like platform, Hiroshi was already down to a bright pink jockstrap, the betas still only in the booty shorts they’d been in when they’d approached. “Why haven’t you and Hiroshi mated if you’ve got an arrangement?” I asked the question on my mind. Dakota had been interested in me since I’d started at Mercury, but he’d been sleeping with Hiroshi for his heats for a year now. They clearly liked each other.

Dakota considered for a minute, “Hiroshi is too much of a free spirit to tie down. He’s determined to wait for his fated. He won’t settle for less and, well, I can respect that. I’d hate to find my fated after mating with someone else, but I’m pretty sure I’ve already missed mine.”


“A story for another time,” Dakota prompted me to turn back to the action.

My mind spun. He’d missed his omega? How? This wasn’t the place for answers, though. I could agree with Hiroshi. Finding a fated mate took over everything else. So many matings were dissolved and caused so much stress and heartbreak. After the betrayals that I’d suffered from alphas before I’d moved to the Sweetwater area, I could totally get on board with using an alpha the same way that Hiroshi was. I sat up straighter to see what was happening.

One beta, the smaller of the two, was between Hiroshi’s legs, eating him out while the other one was leisurely making out with him, hands caressing Hiroshi’s body. I squirmed in my seat a little turned on by watching them enjoy themselves so much. I was almost grateful that I couldn’t smell the arousal in the air or hear all the sounds over the lower music of the club. Dakota could, I was sure. His cheeks had flags of color along his cheekbones and his pupils were dilated. If we were standing, it would be easy to see the evidence of how much this was turning him on in his jeans.

“Does he always use the same betas?” I couldn’t help but wonder aloud, trying to break the uncomfortable silence.

“Yeah, Tate and Asher,” he pointed to each in turn, “are bonded to each other and work for Heatwave. Hiroshi always uses them too, since they have great chemistry together. I think they see each other outside of the club now and again.”

We sat and watched Tate and Asher warm Hiroshi up until the omega got frustrated with all the teasing they were doing. He pushed the smaller one, Tate, as Dakota told me, back onto the bed, making him huff out a laugh. Hiroshi crawled over to him, straddled Tate and took his cock inside him, immediately starting a quick pace, riding him hard and fast.

Not wanting to be left out, Asher joined them on the bed and pulled Hiroshi into a filthy kiss. Hiroshi made out with Asher for a bit until he tapped Asher’s leg and prompted him to stand and put his cock in Hiroshi’s mouth. Their movements were well coordinated, their ease with each other plain.

Tate took over their fucking, thrusting hard up into Hiroshi as he blew Asher. The room filled with the scents and sounds of sex to even my practically human nose and ears. “Take it!” the beta growled at Hiroshi as he pushed deep into him. “Take my cock. All of it. Fuck his face, babe.”

“Oh I will,” Asher drawled, “our little cock slut is loving being a hole to use.” He took hold of Hiroshi’s face and pumped his hips. Hiroshi’s eyes took on a blissful, glazed quality as tears and saliva ran down his face.

I had to admit the whole thing was hot to watch and had my cock thickening in my pants. It’s been a while since I’d had any sort of sexual response to anything, reminding me I’d been ill for longer than I cared to admit.

With a shout, Hiroshi came. Asher drew back from Hiroshi’s mouth and knelt behind him, kissing his neck and running his hands down Hiroshi’s body to where he and Tate were joined, smoothing a finger around Hiroshi’s hole. He ran his hand over Tate’s balls and down to his entrance with a slicked up digit. He pushed it in and Tate cried out, his orgasm taking him by surprise.