A Plan


WhenIwokeat three am still on the couch in my nest of blankets, I cursed myself for being lazy. I stretched out all the kinks, groaning at the stiffness in my neck and back. Getting up had all the blood rushing elsewhere and a feeling of nausea rising. I sat again and waited until it passed.

My dream pulled at me, the memory of those stunning icy silver-blue eyes and a mop of dark hair. Those eyes came to me in the strangest of moments and made me wish for something that I couldn’t have. Not any more.

My hand reached for my phone and when the screen lit up, I noticed a few messages from Dakota.

Dakota: Are you doing okay? I had to work late. Can check in on my way home if you want?

Dakota: Kade? Are you sleeping? I’m just leaving now.

Dakota: I pulled over since I’ve not heard from you. I’m worried.

There were a couple of calls a minute or two later. Then, a little over half an hour later, there was another text.

Dakota: I used your spare key again to get in. Saw you were sleeping and didn’t want to disturb you or put you to bed and have you freak out in the morning. Made up some sandwiches for you. In the fridge. Will check in tomorrow.

Well fuck, I felt like a terrible person. Dakota and I were making progress to being something like real friends and there was me, ignoring his texts and sleeping the evening away. To be fair to myself, I was sick, but still. Not thinking about how late it was, I texted him back;

Kade: Just woken. I’m sorry you were worried. Thanks for the food. You’re the best.

Soon after, my phone buzzed with an incoming call.

“I’m sorry for texting so late,” I breathed as I answered.

“Hey,” Dakota’s voice was sleep roughened. “I just wanted to call and check if you were okay.”

“Sorry, I’ve just been sleeping a lot. I tried watching a movie but I just couldn’t concentrate on it and then I must have fallen asleep.”

“I figured when I came over. I’m sorry Kade, I just freaked out when you weren’t replying and never even thought that you’d be resting. This stuff with your dad is still in my head and I guess I just worried that he’d found you.”

Huh. I hadn’t even thought about my dad finding me with all the drama over my health. Fuck, all of my magical safeguards were gone. In my panic about possibly being infertile, I’d forgotten the doctor informing me a witch had stripped all the magic from me. What the hell was I going to do? Did I just bank on it being so long since he’d been able to scry for me he wouldn’t try again? The council had made sure they warded my house against uninvited entry.

My breaths sped up, coming in heavy pants as icy dread washed over me. In my home, I was safe. Out and about, I had my talisman to hide my scent. I’d have to check that I could continue to wear it since it didn’t involve taking the magic into me.

“Kade?” Shit. I’d forgotten that Dakota was on the phone.

Taking a shuddering breath, I dredged up the strength to ask for help. “Could you take me to see Poppy tomorrow, please? Or in the morning.” I scrubbed a hand over my face. “I need to... I need help to hide.” A sob escaped me. “Kota, I’m scared he’ll find me again.”

There was silence on the line for a minute. While I waited for his answer, I tried to push back the tears. “I’m going to take a couple of days off to look after you.” I tried to interrupt. “No, I don’t like you being so ill and alone. It means nothing, Kade, I know that. You just need someone to care for you. I’ll pack a bag and I’ll be over soon.” He hung up before I could say a word.

I sat there for a minute staring at my phone and wondering if I should message him and tell him not to come and if he’d even listen if I tried.

The thing was, I was lonely. The thought of having someone with me made fresh tears prickle my eyes. Dakota had seen me at my worst and was still willing to be around me. He’d warned me about the blockers and hadn’t rubbed it in my face.

With Dakota coming over, I tried to eat the food he’d made for me and thought about attempting to pick up a bit before slumping back on the sofa, exhausted.

The sound of the door opening had me startling awake. “Hey, it’s just me,” came Dakota’s soft voice. He rounded the sofa and checked me over. “Come on, let’s get you to bed.” I didn’t have time to object before he picked me up bridal style again and carried me to my room. I felt so safe in his arms and felt guilty about relying on him for so much. He flung back the covers and settled me in bed. As he tried to withdraw, I grabbed his arm. “I’ll be back in a minute. Need to lock up and get ready for bed.”

“You’ll stay here with me?” I whispered.

“Of course. I bet your wolf is touch starved.” He brushed a curl from my forehead.

“Probably,” I muttered, then I admitted the words that almost had me spiraling again. “I can’t feel my wolf.”

Dakota stopped dead. “That’s temporary, right?”