Once the doctor had been around to see me and give me the likely scenario for the next few days, they gave me paperwork to fill out and prescriptions to fill.

The morning doctor was a younger woman and a little more understanding about my situation. Briefly, I explained I was wary of alphas and she echoed Dakota’s advice about a heat club being the safest option. “I’d say use the toys designed for the purpose, but really, without being vulgar, there are fluids and things, like the pheromones that an alpha can give you that the toys just can’t. They will stimulate your wolf and your healing ability.”

“You think that’s the best chance for me to ever have kids?” I could hear the anxiety in my voice and she perched on the side of the bed and patted my hand.

“Look, I’m not going to promise you anything and I know you’ve been told this already, but the sooner the damage is repaired, the better. It shouldn’t, and I can’t give you guarantees on this, but it shouldn’t be long lasting if you fix it now. And I mean NOW,” she put the emphasis on the now and I wanted to flinch. I hated the idea of having an alpha mate with me or even just taking me through my heat. “Don’t leave it, Kade, or one day you’ll regret it. I can see it. You maybe don’t want them now, but you do want kids. It’s okay to want that, so you have to do this for your future self.”

With another pat of my hand, she left me alone to process.

A gentle knock came on the door about an hour later. “Hey, it’s me. Can I come in?” Dakota asked, a small bunch of wildflowers clutched in a massive paw of a hand. He looked cautious and concerned.

I struggled into a more upright position. I hadn’t moved to get ready to go home and had sat staring into space for the best part of the last hour. “Sure, thanks for coming,” I mumbled.

Dakota took the seat close to the bed, handing the flowers to me carefully. “These are for you,” he said redundantly before flushing a deep red over his tanned skin. “How are you feeling?”

“Uh, dazed. It’s a lot to take in, y’know?”

Dakota nodded, and I brought the flowers up to my nose to take a deep sniff at their scent and think of something to say. I quickly decided that being blunt might be best.

“Seems like I might not be able to have kids.”

He froze and looked at me uncertainly. “That’s what they said?” I nodded at him. “Is it a forever thing or...?” he trailed off.

“If I can heal quickly and trick my body into healing that part of me, then maybe. They don’t work in absolutes.”

“So, what are you going to do?”

“Well, I’m going to ask my friend to take me home and then go to bed and get some proper sleep. Do you know how hard it is to rest in hospitals?” Dakota laughed a loud throaty sound but shook his head. “Then in a couple of days, I’m going to ask you about that heat club.” I flushed, remembering the lie that I told him about visiting one. “I’ve been told that bringing on a heat is the best idea once the worst of the detox is done and I feel up to it.”

“Okay. Sounds like a plan. What are you going to do about that alpha?”

“What alpha?” I asked, confused.

“Alpha Blake from the Sweetwater pack,” Dakota stated carefully.

“Oh, well, did he leave a number or anything?” He shook his head. “Could you apologize to him for me and take me off the route?”

Dakota smiled. “Of course. I wouldn’t make you do that one again if you say it isn’t safe. Were you going to tell me about this ex?”

It was my turn to shake my head. “Look, I can’t say much about it. Please, I don’t really want to get into it, but it isn’t an ex, or at least he isn’t looking for me right now. I don’t think, anyway. I just need to lie low.”


“Not here, please Dakota. I’ll tell you more, but not today and not here, okay? Could you take me home, please?” I pleaded with him.

His eyes searched my face before his face softened and he said gently, “of course.”

My IV line was long gone, so I just go. I tried to get off the bed before I noticed I was still in the hospital gown and needed to dress. “Uh, could you, um... pass me my clothes?” My face flushed and a faint blush appeared on Dakota’s cheeks.

“Sure.” He passed me my clothes, and he turned his back while I put my underwear on and then slumped onto the bed, exhausted just from briefly standing. “Everything okay?” he asked.

At my silence, he slowly turned and found me panting from the effort on the bed. “Let me,” he said as he dropped to his knees in front of me and carefully pulled my socks on my cold feet. He picked up each foot in turn and pushed my legs into my jeans, supporting me so I was standing leaning against him as he pulled them up to my waist. I tied them, my fingers clumsy around the buttons. Then Dakota sat me down again and popped my long-sleeved t-shirt over my head. I managed to lift my arms into the armholes and gave him a sweet smile in response to his care.

“Where’s?” he asked, looking around.


“Your jacket.”