

Nosmallpartof me got a kick out of walking into work later that afternoon to confused looks all around from the supernaturals that had advanced senses of smell. Trying to restrain a giggle, I walked confidently to the desk to check out my sheet for the day and then clock in.

I felt pretty great, actually. I’d picked up some groceries on my way home and then crashed out for a couple of hours. When I woke, I was so hungry my stomach felt like it was trying to eat itself. Fixing that problem, I ate a couple of hastily put together sandwiches before another shower and headed to the depot.

There were many murmured conversations around me as I checked the sheets and looked for my handheld device, which I found sitting on charge. I wondered who was going to crack and ask why I smelled so differently. They all knew I was an omega, and though it was rare, I forgot my talisman occasionally. They knew what I should smell like. When I checked the clock-ins for the day, I noticed ‌Isaac was off. I’d have to text him and tell him what I’d done to get around my Sweetwater problem.

With my handheld device up to date with my routes, I went to check if my orders were all grouped to be put in the van when I heard a crash and felt more than heard a general intake of breath as Dakota charged through the warehouse stopping and scenting the air before charging in my direction.

“What. The?” I stuttered out before he was in front of me with a look of utter rage on his face.

“Why do you smell like that?” he demanded. “Who is he?”

“Who is what? Moon help me, Dakota! You look deranged!” I leaned back as far as I could to get away from his menacing presence.

“The wolf you smell of. Who is he?”

Seriously?My heart was hammering in my chest. I felt vaguely nauseous again, and my clammy hands shook. I picked up the handheld to give them something to do, placing it between myself and the furious alpha bear. My breath was coming in pants, the air sawing out of my lungs as I tried to push my fight-or-flight response down. My wolf wasn’t reacting. It felt closed off, like there was a barrier between us when I needed it most. I pulled some hidden strength from somewhere, reminding myself that Dakota wouldn’t harm me. Certainly not here in front of witnesses and on the security cameras. I took a shuddering breath to get out around clenched teeth, “not here, Dakota. Office. Now.”

He took the device carefully out of my hands, setting it on the desk gently, then grasped my elbow and marched me into the office, pushing me towards a seat while he hefted his considerable bulk into his chair. Dakota was like most brown bear shifters — huge. Not a spare inch of fat was on his wide frame. Having seen him shirtless, I knew it was all firm muscle covered in soft-looking dark hair. The man was a catch, really, but I’d never felt the connection. Plus, he was an alpha, and I was done with them.

We sat for a few moments, studying each other as Dakota worked to get himself under control.

“Explain,” Dakota barked.

“You wanted me to do Sweetwater. It isn’t… advisable for me to be in Sweetwater currently as an omega. I do not smell of another wolf. This is my scent.”

“How is that possible?” He ran a meaty hand through thick, deep brown hair, looking thoroughly exasperated.

I made jazz hands. “Magic!”

He stopped moving, staring blankly at me, so I explained further. “I got a potion to change my scent to that of a beta wolf for my safety.” He went to speak. “You wanted me in Sweetwater, remember? So this is what I had to do. I distinctly remember you telling me to do what I needed in order to help out.”

Dakota flopped back in his chair. “Fuck, Kade! I didn’t mean go fill yourself with other untested shit, first the blockers that are just nasty shit, then magic! Fucksake!”

For the first time, I actually felt a little bad for Dakota. Yeah, so okay, he had a crush on me and was a little too involved in my shit for my liking, but here he was showing me he actually cared about my wellbeing. I hadn’t had that in a long time, someone who actually gave a flying fuck about me, except maybe for Isaac, and he had his own crap to deal with.

“I’m fine Dakota, I promise. I got the potion from Poppy in Northarbor. You know as well as I do that she’s council approved and the best witch in the area.”

“If you’d only said that it was a safety thing, I’d have sorted the roster no issue. Why won’t you talk to me?” He sounded so defeated that I found myself getting to my feet and standing next to him before it was a conscious thought. My hand reached for his shoulder. Would it really be so bad to give him a little of what he craved? If he could get over his attraction to me, he’d probably be a good friend and moon knew I needed more of those. My hand landed on his shoulder, and he relaxed under my touch. The heat of his body rose up my arm, soothing me too. “All I want is for you to treat me as a friend, Kade. Is there anything I can do? Are you sure you’ll be safe?”

“Look, Dakota, I’m used to handling things on my own.” He took a breath to speak. “I appreciate you care, though. Really, I do. I guess I’ve gotten too used to fixing things myself that I never even considered speaking to you.”

“So it isn’t just me?”

“No. Honestly, I’ve gotten too used to dealing with shit on my own. It never occurred to me to reach out. Look, there’s stuff I can’t tell you, but this is the way I can be safe for now.”

“I’m really not keen on the idea of you roaming around smelling differently. It might make you a target.”

I scoffed, “trust me, being an omega is a bigger target. Can’t tell you why, just that’s how it is. I haven’t been in Sweetwater much since I started work here, so it’s unlikely anyone will know the difference.”

“But —“

“I’m fine, I’ll be safe.”

“I’d rather just pull you off the route. I’ll worry.”