Page 40 of Beautifully Wounded

Chapter Twenty-Five


Istayed inside the kitchen doorway, not wanting to invade her space but wanting her to know I was there. She seemed so fragile, yet so determined to overcome whatever demons continued to possess her. Troy demons, I supposed. I wanted to bang my head against the wall. I blamed myself for making her act so injured, so vulnerable, yet I knew it hadn’t been me that made her that way. It had been that dickwad, Troy. If he ever came within twenty feet of her again, I knew I’d be in trouble. I didn’t think I’d be able to stop myself from bashing his head in, which was a rather insane thought, considering I was not a violent person. Would I ever be able to break down the walls of the prison he’d trapped her in? I’d gotten too close. I knew it when I whispered in her ear, but I wanted to be close. I wanted her to be comfortable with me. To realize she could feel safe with me.

“No. It’s my fault. I never meant to crowd you that way or make you feel uncomfortable. Believe me.” I took a cautious step toward her but stopped as her left foot went behind her as though she were afraid of me. “I only want you to feel safe around here. I would never hurt you.” I took another step toward her, and she didn’t move. When I got close enough, I held out my hand to her. I hoped the smile on my face came across as warm and reassuring as I meant for it to. I guess I succeeded when she slowly extended her hand toward mine. It took a few seconds before our fingertips touched, but once they did, I didn’t waste any time and wrapped my fingers around hers. I didn’t pull her or make her move, just held her hand, and she smiled at me. Her eyes lit up like sparklers, and my heart sang a sweet song of praise.

As we stood in the kitchen holding hands, I noticed the sun going down. The sunset over the lake was always beautiful this time of day.

“I have an idea.” I let the uncontrollable smile grow wide on my face as I tugged her out the kitchen door with me. “Come with me.”

“Wait,” she protested, but I didn’t stop walking as I coaxed her along to the car.

“Where are we going?” she added with a slight giggle.

“You see that?” I pointed at the sun blaring in the partially clouded sky.


“Well, it’s about to make the most beautiful picture you’ve ever seen, and I know the best spot to watch it from.” I held the passenger door open for her and she got in, fastening her seatbelt. I hurried to the other side of the car. “Oh, wait a minute,” I yelled, holding my hand up as I ran back inside and grabbed the bottle of wine off the counter. I found two red plastic cups in the cupboard and hurried back to the car. I dug in the front pocket of my jeans for the keys with my free hand and slipped in behind the wheel.

We didn’t have much time, so I needed to get moving as quickly as possible, and I fishtailed the back end of the car a bit on the way out of the gravel driveway. Lena gasped as her body swerved toward mine and her hand landed on my thigh. She quickly removed it, and I glanced at her. “Sorry about that. Are you okay?”

She nodded, keeping her eyes forward as though she might be able to help me control the car if she did.

“Don’t worry. I’ll be careful.” I stole a glance at her determined face and shot her a grin as she nibbled on her bottom lip. I almost wished she’d left her hand on my thigh. No, not almost.