Amy squeezed my hand hard. “Can Pepper come with me?”

“If she wants to,” my dad said, looking less happy at the prospect, but then Amy’s dad had tried to kill me.

Ian didn’t seem to like it either since he came to stand by me as if he intended to go with me, but then Beau did the same, took a stance as if waiting to move when Amy did.

“I’ll go,” I said.

“Just you and Amy,” my dad said, looking to Ian and Beau.

Josh’s cell had dinged, and he looked at me after reading the message. “Marsh got your vehicle. He says it’s badly damaged. He dropped it at the police compound. The crime unit will go over it.”

I nodded, thinking it didn’t matter, me nor Amy would ever be able to ride in it again without thinking of her dad.

“We’ll be right here waiting,” Beau said, and Amy nodded.

My dad walked us to one of the interrogation rooms and stopped outside the closed door.

“He can’t hurt either of you. He’s in cuffs locked to the table. Officer Randall is in there with him now and will remain there along with me as he speaks with you. If at any time you feel uncomfortable, either of you, or wish to leave, let me know.”

Amy nodded again and I worried she had lost her voice.

Amy stopped once inside the door, and I didn’t blame her. Noah’s appearance caught me by surprise as well even though I’d been there to hear the crunch of bone and Amy was only told about it. Noah’s nose was swollen, a swath of bandage lay across it, and bruising was heavy beneath his eyes.

“Vikings,” Noah laughed, shaking his head. “I can’t believe Vikings captured me.”

Amy shook her head as she approached the table. “How can you think this is funny, Dad?”

Noah turned serious. “If I thought otherwise, the pain I caused you would be too much to bear.”

“The pain of what you’ve done IS too much to bear,” Amy said, tears rolling down her cheeks.

“I should have never come back,” Noah said.

“As much as I would have preferred to live with the constant what ifs instead of knowing my dad is a serial killer, your return has been worth it,” Amy said. “It has brought your killing spree to a stop.”

My dad pulled out a chair for Amy and she sat directly across from her father. I sat in the chair next to her.

“True enough, but I had to see you,” Noah said, then shifted his eyes to me.

I could tell by his look that he was wondering if I told her why he had truly returned, and I gave a slight shake of my head. He didn’t show a sign of emotion as he continued to talk.

“I wanted you to know how much I love you and how much I loved your mom. And now that I’ve been caught, I hope you understand the truth behind why I left.”

“Because you loved to kill more than you loved us,” Amy said.

Noah drew back as if she had slapped him in the face or perhaps it was the truth that hit him hard.

“I’m glad you left us. I’m glad you weren’t in my life. I’m glad you were caught and will pay for your crimes. And I am glad I will not waste another day thinking about you.”

Noah smiled. “That’s my sweet stuff. Strong and proud. Stay that way and don’t let what I did hurt you or ever hold you back from anything.”

“You can count on it,” Amy said and stood. “I’d like to leave, Sheriff.”

My dad took her arm and escorted her to the door.

“I do love you, Amy,” Noah called out.

Amy turned. “You claim to love me, but not once have you told me that you’re sorry for what you’ve done.”

“I’m not sorry. It’s who I am. It’s who I’ve always been,” Noah said without a touch of emotion.

My dad hurried Amy out the door, and I went to follow.

“A moment, Pepper,” Noah said and, of course, curiosity had me pausing. “A favor.”

“You try to kill me, and you want a favor?” I laughed.

“It concerns Amy,” Noah said.

I was all ears. “What is it?”

“Please don’t ever tell Amy why I returned. I don’t want that thought in her head.”

I nodded. I actually agreed with his reasoning. “I can do that.” I had to ask before I left. “You have no remorse for what you did?”

He laughed. “The only remorse I have is… Vikings!”

“I can’t believe I’m doing this,” I said, shaking my head as I glanced down at myself. My parka covered the beige winter underwear I wore, and fur-topped boots kept my feet warm.

“I think it’s great that you’re at least posing with Ian here to see if you feel comfortable enough to actually agree to the intimate apparel modeling job,” Amy said.