My continuous thoughts ran along with me.

Was I close to the lodge? Had I gone off track? Was my dad nearby? What would Amy do when she found out her dad was a serial killer and that he tried to kill me?

That thought tore a pain through my chest at the hurt she would suffer, and I stumbled and lost my footing. The next thing I knew I went tumbling down a small rise. I almost got to my feet when a shot rang out, the bullet landing not far from my leg.

“Stay put,” Noah called out.

I hurried to my feet to run, and another bullet landed at my feet, stopping me.

“This could have been easy and painless, Pepper,” he shouted.

I noticed then he had boots on. No wonder he was able to keep up with me and as far as age, the man was in good shape. But I suppose he had to be in his line of work.

His face suddenly scrunched in question, and his chin went up as he turned his head slightly as if he caught a sound and was listening.

I prayed it was my dad to the rescue.

He suddenly gave a quick glance over his shoulder and his head snapped back around, his eyes wide with shock and he started running down the rise.

“RUN! RUN!” he screamed. “VIKINGS!”

That’s when I not only saw them but heard them. The Vikings had landed!

Ian was in the lead, his face red with fury, as he let loose with a blood-curdling scream, Mo at his side, his teeth bared and growling, and they both launched themselves off the small rise straight at Noah.

The gun went flying out of Noah’s hand when Ian and Mo flew into him knocking him to the ground. Ian and Noah rolled in a struggle and when they came to a stop, Ian head-butted him, and I heard a crack and watched as blood gushed from Noah’s nose. Mo stood behind Noah’s head, his face practically in his face, saliva dripping from the sides of his mouth onto Noah’s cheeks as he continued to bare his teeth and growl a warning for him to stay put.

Noah did not dare move.

Ian hurried to me as the other Vikings, Beau part of the pack, took charge of Noah. Ian lifted me with one arm, my feet dangling off the ground, and pressed his face to mine.

“Are you all right?” he asked anxiously.

I grinned and wrapped my arms around his neck. “How can I not be when I was rescued by a Viking!”


I sat beside Amy in a room in the police station. Ian and Beau stood to the side talking with Josh, both no longer dressed as Vikings. Though Beau had arrived in his Viking outfit to change at Amy’s place after telling her that her dad was in police custody, and they needed to go to the police station.

I was the one who had delivered the news to her.

“I can’t believe this is happening. My dad, a serial killer?” Amy shook her head. “It’s a nightmare, Pepper, and I so want to wake up.”

Tears ran down her cheeks and I swiped a handful of tissues from the box on the table and handed them to her.

“I can’t apologize enough for what my dad put you through,” she said, dabbing at her wet cheeks.

“I keep telling you that you don’t need to. You are not responsible for him. We are friends forever and nothing, and I mean nothing, will ever change that, especially your narcissistic, whacko dad.”

Amy grabbed my hand and squeezed it. “You have no idea how glad I am that we’re forever best buds.”

I grinned. “There might be times you regret that, and I believe there are times you probably already have.” I was glad to get a small chuckle out of her, though it faded fast.

“How will I ever face anyone?”

I kept a strong grip on her hand. “People know you are a good and kind person, Amy. No one is going to judge you. Your dad hasn’t been around in years. He’s had no influence over your life, and you didn’t welcome him back with open arms, but rather reluctant ones. He is no reflection on you.”

“Pepper is right,” Josh said, walking over to the table. “He really wasn’t part of your life. No one is going to think any less of you for what he did.”

“I’d like to believe that, I really would,” Amy said, sounding doubtful.

Beau rested his hand on her shoulder. “You are well-loved, Amy. People will think what they think. You can’t change that, and you can’t let it bother you. You can’t let your dad destroy your life any more than he already has.”

My dad entered the room and he looked none too happy. “Your dad would like to speak with you, Amy. You don’t have to speak to him if you don’t want to. It’s up to you.”