“I found something too, a pattern you’ll find interesting,” Amy said. “We’ll have tea and talk.”

“You two sound like crime solving buffs,” Amy’s dad said.

“Mystery buffs,” Amy said. “we love to solve a good mystery and there hasn’t been a mystery Pepper’s come up against that she hasn’t solved.”

“I can’t take all the credit,” I said. “Amy’s got a talent of talking with people in a way that has them sharing all kinds of things with her, important things they don’t even know are important. Plus, she’s good at collecting data and making sense of it and using that to track down people.”

“I have a super-talented daughter,” her dad boasted.

“It’s her kind heart,” I said. “She feels for people, and they see it in her eyes or hear it in her voice, and they trust her enough to share deep secrets with her.”

“Your mom was like that. She had the kindest of hearts. I remember the first time I saw her sitting at her desk at Strathmore Builders. I lost my heart to her there and then.”

A horn honked outside.

Noah went to the door and signaled Marsh he’d be a minute and as he snatched up his overcoat and slipped it on, Amy walked over to him.

He took her in his arms. “I’m grateful you let me into your life, and I can’t say I’m sorry enough for waiting so long to see you again. I am going to miss you, Amy, but we will talk, and I’ll be back.”

Amy smiled. “It was good seeing you, Dad, and text me when your flight leaves and lands so I know you arrived safely.”

“Will do,” he said and kissed her cheek. “Good seeing you, Pepper, and I hope you solve this mystery.”

“Oh, we will. There’s no doubt about that,” I said.

Amy waved from the doorway and locked the door after she closed it. She stood a moment, her eyes glistening with tears that didn’t fall.

“I’ll never see him again,” she said, and I followed her as she went into the kitchen.

I sat at the island while she made us tea. “You don’t want to see him again?”

“It’s not that. It’s that he doesn’t intend to see me again.”

“How do you know that?”

“‘I’ll be back’ were the words he said to me the last time he left, and it took over twenty years for him to come back. Besides, he tried to talk me into investing again in that business deal concerning property in the Bahamas that he had discussed with me when Beau and I went to supper with him. A new resort that was going to be built that according to him was a sure deal. He bragged about how he’d have the first condo there since he would be the manager of the sales force. Told me a fifty thousand investment would secure a condo at a bargain rate for me.”

I really wanted to punch the guy. “I can’t believe he thought you would fall for that.”

“Maybe he wanted me to see him for who he really was and know not to count on him for anything. Maybe he did love me and my mom enough to leave us and not put us through a life of lies and mistrust.” A couple of tears fell, and she wiped them away.

“I’m so sorry, Amy,” I said, hating the man for hurting her again.

“I’m not, Pepper. It’s actually a relief to me. His visit burst my bubble of what might have been. Now I know it would have never been how I had fantasized all these years. I’m free to let go and no longer wonder what might have been. I know exactly how life would have been with him and I’m glad he left my mom and me.”

If Amy wasn’t going to cry, I was. Besides, I couldn’t hold the tears back. Of course, my cell had to ring just then, and I sniffled as I answered.

“What’s wrong? Why are you crying?” my dad demanded.

I heard Josh in the background say, “She’s crying again?”

“What do you mean again,” my dad asked.

I rolled my eyes and Amy smiled.

“What’s wrong, Pepper?” my dad asked more calmly.

“Nothing is wrong, Dad. Now why did you call?”

“You didn’t let me know how it went with Stan’s daughter.”

“Sorry, Dad, I got caught up in something.”

“That made you cry?” he asked, concerned.

I ignored his question and detailed the meeting with Stan’s daughter. I wanted to tell him about what Vera told me, but that could wait. It was more important to be there for Amy right now.

“I’m with Amy right now, Dad. Noah just said goodbye, he left,” I said.

“Oh,” my dad said as if understanding. “You spend time with Amy. We’ll talk later and if she needs anything make sure she lets us know.”

“Will do, Dad,” I assured him and looked to Amy after hanging up. “Anything you need, my dad said.”