From a good distance,” I said, “or else Mo would have sensed him,”

“This case is taking years off my life,” my dad said. “Drugs, lies, betrayal… everything but the kitchen sink.”

My dad and I did think alike since I had thought the same about the kitchen sink, everything thrown in but nothing making sense.

Ian and I spoke a bit longer with my dad, playing Stan’s attack over and over again to no avail. My dad promised he’d keep me updated on Stan’s condition. The doctors said it was a wait and see situation at the moment. Right now, Stan’s heart was good and so was his breathing. With no complications, they felt he had a good chance of regaining consciousness. When… was anyone’s guess.

The air had grown considerably colder when Ian and I left the hospital.

“That snowstorm is not far off,” I said after getting into his SUV.

“I pushed up the schedule on some of the projects so a few of the models could leave and get home before the snowstorm hit. About five of them were packed and ready to leave for the airport right after breakfast. A good snowfall will provide us with not only more good winter background pics, but we can finish up Viking shoots as well as some winter suspense covers. Can I borrow Mo for some photo shoots? He’d work well on a dog mystery series shoot a publisher contracted me to do. He has the perfect personality for it.”

“He’d definitely love the attention,” I said, my mind lingering on Stan.

“By the way those undergarments arrived early this morning.”

That got my attention. “What did they do, express ship them?”

“They did. I guess they’re eager for us to do the winter gear for them.”

My tenaciousness kicked in. “I don’t care what anyone thinks, I’m not modeling underwear with you.”

Ian grinned. “It could be fun.”

“That wickedly gorgeous smile of yours tells me what you’re thinking and tells me that everyone else will be thinking the same thing when the images of us in our underwear are plastered all over the place. Not happening. Besides, prepping and modeling are not compatible.”

Ian’s brow shot up. “I beg to differ.”

I shook my head. “Publicity wise, not you and me.”

“I still disagree. Quite a few of my models intend to do some prepping of their own. Angie, who models often for me, says she tired of running out of things. She doesn’t intend to prep on a grand scale, but enough that she doesn’t have to constantly run to the store. Evan on the other hand has set a whole room aside for his prepping and has bought all of your books. He says while he’s glad the lean years are behind him, he intends to be prepared if they should ever cycle around again. He insists his anxiety level has dipped knowing he’ll be prepped and prepared. You not only touch more lives than you know, Pep, but you ease worries as well. You may not be thrilled with modeling underwear but think of the people that could possibly get interested in prepping who might not otherwise if they hadn’t seen you in some non-related prepper website or magazine. Besides, it’s winter underwear, not exactly the sexy type. And what if you love the underwear and want to endorse it? What better way than in my arms?”

“Not for the world to see. That’s private,” I insisted.

“What’s wrong with the world knowing how much we love each other?”

“They can know it, but it doesn’t mean we have to show it off in our underwear,” I argued.

“Do not completely discount it, try the underwear and see what you think of it. If you like it, I can arrange a photo shoot with my photographer, so you know what to expect. That will give you a chance to make a reasonable decision.”

“Are you saying I’m being unreasonable?” I snapped.

He laughed. “That would depend on who you asked.”

“You’re right,” I said, thinking of my three brothers. “But I only care what you think.”

“I think you are the most beautiful, caring, loving woman I have ever met.”

“Nice save, Highlander,” I praised. “Flatter me so I don’t notice you didn’t really answer the question.”

“Your quick wit turns me on, Pep,” he said with a wicked smile.

That smile of his always sends my heart thundering and my hormones soaring.

Ian pulled up in front of my place. “I need to work for a few hours. I’ll be over as soon as I’m done, before suppertime.”

I was disappointed, but work was work and I had some to do myself. I leaned over to give him a kiss and his hand captured the back of my neck, and his lips came down on mine. Fireworks went off simultaneously in my mind and body.

I was breathless when it ended, and it took me a moment before I could speak. “You’re just going to leave me after that whopper of a kiss?”