I was glad she volunteered. “I know my dad has looked into girls who had gone missing around the time of the Carson murder and found nothing, but maybe you can dig deeper.”

“Will do,” Amy said and stood and snatched an armful of books off the table.

“You sure you have enough?” I asked jokingly.

“One never has enough books, especially romances,” Amy said.

Noah stood and reached out. “Let me take them for you.”

Amy surrendered them. “Are you staying, Pepper?”

I shook my head. “No, Mo is waiting outside. I saw your car and wanted to let you know about Pete Carson.”

Okay, it was a little lie, but I’d explain to Amy later.

“That pin was made for you, Amy, as is the one you chose,” Kate said, placing a box on the counter.

I waited to see if Noah would pay for Amy’s purchases. After having ignored her for years it was the least he could do, but he didn’t. Where had that wad of bills gone he had at the diner? Was he broke already?

I stepped out onto the porch, my mind a mess of possibilities when I came to an abrupt stop, my eyes growing wide, and Ian bumping into me.

Mo was gone.


I grabbed Ian’s arm, squeezing it tight. “Mo wouldn’t go with anyone.”

“Mo’s gone?” Amy asked, stepping out on the porch, her dad trailing behind her.

“I had to help a customer,” Kate said, hurrying out with us. “I never noticed that he was gone.”

Ian placed his hand over mine as I continued to grip his arm. “You are right, he wouldn’t go with just anyone, which means he went with someone he knows.”

I took a much-needed breath. Not seeing Mo sitting there waiting for me had sent me into a state of panic. I loved that dog with all my heart, and I don’t know what I’d do without him. Mo and I trained together, making us the perfect pair. He understood me and I understood him.

“Who would Mo follow without question?” Ian asked, and I silently blessed him for having remained calm since I was anything but that.

I grabbed my cell phone from my vest pocket, relieved I had it on me, and hit a familiar number. “Mom, is Mo with you.”

“Didn’t you check your texts? I sent you one letting you know Mo was joining me for a walk. I am going to have to borrow him more often when I hand out flyers. Everyone stops to admire him, and he sits there like a royal, lapping up the attention and giving me time to talk to people about what matters in Willow Lake.”

My phone dinged with a familiar sound. My dad sent me a text. I had a feeling I knew what it read.

“Where are you, Mom? Ian and I can swing by and scoop up Mo, if you’re finished with him.”

“I’m at the diner. I stopped for coffee and Zelda gave Mo a beef soup bone that he’s enjoying. We’ll be out front waiting for you.”

My mom hung up before I could say anymore, and I turned to everyone who had patiently waited for news. “Mo is safe. He’s with my mom enjoying a soup bone Zelda gave him.”

“I love this town,” Kate said and hurried back inside to help a customer waiting at the counter.

Amy hugged me. “Mo would have never walked off with a stranger.”

“I know but seeing him gone…” I shook my head. “I think my heart stopped.”

“Go get him,” Amy urged. “We’ll talk later.”

She walked off with her dad, stopping by her car to talk with him.

“Let’s go get Mo before you completely stop the circulation to my arm,” Ian said jokingly.

I let go of his arm, realizing what a tight hold I had on him, and his arm immediately went around my waist, and he gave me a quick kiss.

“You can latch onto me as tight as you want anytime, Pep, I’m always here for you,” Ian said as he hurried me to his vehicle.

Once we were on our way, I checked my phone. “My mom accidentally sent the text about taking Mo with her to my dad and he just saw it and sent it right away.”

“All is good,” Ian said. “How about we go home and have a cuppa… tea.”

I chuckled. “By now I have learned that a cuppa means a cup of tea, and I could use a hot one about now.”

Mo was waiting with the bone in his mouth, showing the world he had no intentions of letting it go, as my mom stood sipping her coffee beside him in front of the diner.

“Oh, Pepper, I am so sorry. Your dad sent me a text letting me know I sent the text meant for you to him. You must have been so worried about Mo.”

“It’s okay, Mom. Ian asked me who Mo would follow without question and that left only one person… you.”