“I did give that thought. I checked to see if any young women had gone missing in the surrounding area at the time of the murder. There were three women and the families of all three had made sure to get their DNA into an ancestry database once it became available in some small hopes of finding their daughters. None matched the bones.”

“One thing we can be sure of is that the person who did this wanted Travis blamed which means the person had to know about Travis and Rita’s relationship.”

“That’s what worries me, Pepper. The person who did this most likely was and possibility still is a resident of Willow Lake.”

“I so needed this,” Amy said with a smile and glanced up at the cloudy sky completely visible through the glass atrium that enclosed a section of the deck at Treetops.

“It was beautiful in the fall with all the colored leaves on the trees and it’s even beautiful now with the snow on the pines and bare branches. It’s like sitting among the trees,” Beau said.

“Wait until you see it in the spring when the trees burst to life and in the summer when they are in full bloom and shade the whole deck and the planters along the railing are bursting with flowers. It’s stunning,” Amy said.

“I’m looking forward it,” Beau said with a smile.

I wondered if Amy realized Beau assumed she meant to still be with him by the summer or had it been her intention? Either way, I was glad she wasn’t making any quick decision about Beau and her relationship.

Before I forgot, I slipped the wrapped box out of my vest pocket and handed it to Amy. “It had your name written all over it.”

Amy smiled and eagerly took the unexpected gift and opened it. “Oh, Pepper, it’s beautiful. I love vintage pins and the faux pearl and amber in this design are exquisite. You know me well.” She hurried to pin it on her sweater, Beau reaching out to help her.

“I should know you well, we’ve been friends since kindergarten,” I said, “though I’ve often wondered how since we are opposite in so many ways.”

“That’s why. First time I saw you, I knew I had to be your friend because of the way you lashed out at that boy who pulled your ponytail. I would have never had the courage to do that, and I desperately wanted some of your courage.”

I laughed. “I had no choice having three older brothers. It was defend myself or die. You should check out Yesterday’s Treasures, Kate, the owner has more vintage pins you’d love and, seriously, you would spend hours in the room she has dedicated to romance novels.”

“You’d like it as well, Beau,” Ian said. “She has a great collection of suspense and history books.”

“My kind of place,” Beau said.

“So, tell us, anything new going on?” Amy asked.

Ian groaned and went into great detail about Mo and the beef jerky. He had Amy and Beau laughing hysterically.

“Never! Never again!” Ian exclaimed when he finished.

Amy was wiping her eyes with her napkin. “I fled the house the last time he did that.”

“Smart woman,” Ian said.

I wanted to know what was going on with Amy’s dad, but I didn’t want to spoil her good time, so I was glad when the laughter calmed down that she brought him up, though not as I expected.

Amy looked directly at me. “Beau confessed that you two have followed my dad.”

“I had no choice,” Beau said in his defense. “She caught me following him.”

“Twice,” Amy said, since I wasn’t sure the first time. And I do appreciate you all wanting to protect me, but you needn’t worry. Maybe it was talking to Betty Carson that made me see that I didn’t want to do what my mom did all those years… do or accept anything he does for fear of losing him and get hurt in the end anyway. He’s not going to stay in my life just like he didn’t before. Maybe he’ll call me now and again though I even wonder about that, and if he’s here to get money from me, he’s in for a rude awakening. I’m sure once I tell him we can stay in touch or refuse him money, he’ll be on his way.”

“I knew you’d see him for what he was,” I said, proud of her for having the strength to realize it, accept it, and let him go.

“It was a long time coming, but in a way I’m glad he returned,” Amy said. “It’s given me closure and I needed that.”

“You let me know if he asks you for money and I’ll set him straight,” Beau said, leaning his arm against hers.

Amy grinned wide and fluttered her eyes playfully. “I got myself a real live hero.”