“Or in case you should ever need Amy,” I corrected.

He ignored my remark and kept his focus on Amy. “We are family—a strange one at that—but family, nonetheless. I may not have been there for you through the years, but I ask that you let me be there now. I have so many good memories of the time we spent together, and I hope you at least have some as well. Remember how I taught you how to swim?”

The memory brought a smile to Amy’s face. “At the lake, you were patient with me. You told me you had me and wouldn’t let me go until you were sure I could swim.”

“And I didn’t let you go until I was certain of it just like when I taught you to ride a bike,” he reminded.

“You held the back of the bike and ran alongside me until I got it and was able to go on my own,” Amy recalled.

“And when you fell and skinned your knees or elbows, I taught you to be brave and take care of the wound. I wanted you strong in case something happened when you were by yourself so that you wouldn’t panic. You would know what to do. You learned quickly,” he said with pride.

“Not quick enough,” Amy said. “I didn’t know what to do when you left and didn’t return. I cried endlessly for days until I only cried a few times a week, then a few times a month until finally a year had passed and my tears stopped.”

“How much I hurt you is something I will always regret, but I would have regretted it even more if I continued to put you through those endless tears time and again.”

“Did you visit Mom when she was in hospice?” Amy asked.

I wondered if Noah was smart enough to realize his daughter was setting him up. I waited, hoping to see him take a fall.

“I did visit her. I had to see her one last time and let her know that she was the only woman I ever loved and still loved. And I am so terribly sorry I didn’t take the time then to see you, but you were suffering enough with your mom’s imminent death. I didn’t want my sudden arrival to cause you more suffering. A poor excuse to my own ears now but at the time I thought it best for you.”

Drats, he caught what Amy intended, to accuse him of not seeing her then, and he had an excuse ready besides admitting it was a poor excuse. He also made sure to blame himself for everything, never saying a bad word about Amy’s mom and claiming how much he loved her. A sure way to make people believe him.

“Let’s continue to talk while I’m here and let me make amends. I do want to stay in your life, Amy, through visits, phone calls, texts, if you will allow it,” he said. “Your mom told me you were a whiz with numbers. Your mom was too, but my mother was as well.”

Dangling knowledge of a family she never knew existed was something that would interest Amy since it had always been just her and her mom. Her mom’s parents having died when she was young, her dad’s elderly aunt raising her and dying when Amy’s mom was a senior in high school.

“How long will you be staying?” Amy asked.

I was happy she asked the very question on my mind and that she hadn’t committed to anything with him.

“At least two weeks then I have business meetings I need to attend to.”

“What is it you do?” I asked.

“Sales for various resorts, a good profession for a drifter since I get to travel a lot.”

“Where do you live?” Amy asked.

“Presently, an apartment in Florida, but I’ll be moving to South Carolina in a couple of months. I’ve been contracted to sell new condo builds there. I’ll probably be there about a year. I would love for you to visit with me there, Amy.”

“We’ll see,” Amy said again not committing to anything. She tapped her cell to wake it and see the time. “I have to go shortly. I have appointments.”

“Of course, you’re a busy businesswoman, I understand, but I do hope we can do this again soon. Your mom mentioned you loved to read, romance books your favorite, I’m a thriller fan myself, perhaps a date to the bookstore in Barnsville and lunch or supper, whatever is convenient for you.”

“Beau would enjoy that as well,” Amy said.

I rejoiced silently that Amy would see that someone went along with her, meaning she fully didn’t trust him. Or could it be that she didn’t fully trust herself?

“I’ll discuss it with Beau and be in touch,” Amy said.

As I slid out of the booth, Zelda walked over and handed Noah the bill.