“Maybe they killed Rita and Travis,” Josh said.

I shook my head. “I don’t think so, but I think they know something that might bring new light to the case. The mayor insisted what they knew had no bearing on the case, but Marsh disagreed. He felt it was up to the sheriff to decide. One other thing, Dad,” I said, needing to warn him. “The mayor claims he’s going to have you out of office and bring his own guy in as sheriff. He sounded pretty positive about it.”

“It’s the Carson case,” my dad said. “He’s planning on it being my demise.”

“And keeping information from you that may help solve the case would help him do just that,” Josh said, as ready to defend our dad as I was.

The office phone rang, and my dad answered, “Sheriff Madison.” He listened a few minutes, then said, “Thanks, Nick.” He rubbed the back of his neck again. “It’s officially confirmed. The bones are Travis Rodgers.”


“Next time, since there will be a next time,” Ian said as we pulled out of the police station’s parking lot, “text me and let me know what you’re doing or plan to do so I can help keep you out of jail.”

I chuckled at his humor, but I could see he was also serious about it. “I can’t promise, but I will try since I never know what I’m about to do until I do it.”

“I realized that about you from day one, but take pity on me, Pep, or I will worry myself to death over you.”

“I’ll keep that in mind,” I said, thinking that this handsome guy next to me worried about me because he really loved me… loved me enough to let me be me. He definitely was a keeper.

My cell rang and I answered it having been waiting for this call. “You got him?”

“I do and I’m on his tail. He just stopped at the diner and I’m going to get a cup of coffee to see if he’s meeting anyone. Might have a few words with him.”

“Surveillance doesn’t mean speaking to the person you’re surveilling,” I warned.

“But I might learn something like where he’s headed next and then see if he’s telling the truth. Gotta go, talk when done.”

“You put Beau on Noah when you couldn’t continue following him?” Ian asked.

“A logical assumption.” I was a bit surprised he knew without hearing a name mentioned who I was speaking with. “That man is up to something and I’m afraid he’s going to hurt Amy again. I was too young to do anything but hug her while she cried the last time he hurt her. This time I’m going to be one step ahead of him and hopefully soften the pain that I know he’s inevitably going to cause her.”

He smiled as he parked across the street from Yesterday’s Treasures. “You truly are a loving and loyal friend, and I can’t help but think you would make an even more loving and loyal wife.”


Whoa! Who said anything about wife? Who was even thinking of marriage?


He couldn’t be. We’d only been in this relationship a few months. We had a lot to learn about each other. He threw me for such a loop that I sat there in shock and jumped when he opened my door.

He was smiling, that drop-dead, gorgeous smile of his and a twinkling tease danced in his phenomenal blue eyes.

He took my arm to help me out of the vehicle. “Relax, Pep, I’m not proposing.”

I sighed inwardly until I heard him whisper, “Yet.” Or did he say that? Or was it what I wanted subconsciously to hear? And, of course, I was too much of a coward to comment. Or was it that I didn’t want to know?

Too many swirling thoughts, so I was glad to spot Stan Richards with a confused look on his face standing at the bottom of the steps of Yesterday’s Treasures.

“Something troubling you, Stan?” I asked, hoping he may have some info on the other set of bones found with Travis.

“Good, Lord, Pepper, are you all right?” Stan asked, staring at her.

I looked at him strange for a moment, then remembered my face. “I’m fine, a bit of a mishap. Now what’s troubling you?”

“The woman who owns this place,” Stan said.

“Kate Meadows,” I said, offering her name.

“She looks so familiar to me. I know I’ve met her, but it’s where that I can’t place.”

“Did she recognize you?” Ian asked.

“Not at all, but I’m sure we’ve met,” Stan insisted and shook his head. “It’s so annoying, but it will come to me. You heard that the bones were confirmed as Travis.”

I was glad that he switched to the subject I had hoped to discuss with him. “I was there when Dad was notified. Any luck with the other set of bones?”