I wasn’t going to be able to hold on much longer. Maybe if I swung myself back, I’d land on the dumpster.

“You’re under arrest, hands up!”

“You jerk! It’s me,” I yelled at Josh.

“I know,” he said with a laugh and I felt his arm go around my thighs. “Let go, I’ve got you.”

I was relieved when Josh set me on my feet, though I wasn’t happy seeing his wide grin.

“Dad was not happy when he heard that a break-in was taking place at Marsh’s garage and that the culprit resembled his daughter.” Josh laughed again.

I punched him in the arm, and he laughed even harder.

“I need to talk with Dad,” I said, anxious to tell him what I had heard, then remembered my lunch date with Amy. “What time is it?”

“About fifteen minutes before one, and Dad’s busy on a conference call. He won’t be available for a while.”

I hurried to Ian’s vehicle.

“Where do you think you’re going? You have to come to the station with me. I have to fill out a report—” He chuckled. “And see if I need to arrest you.”

“I have a lunch date with Amy, it will have to wait,” I said, reaching in the vehicle to get my phone.

“No, it won’t wait, Pepper,” Josh said in his firm police tone. “Dad can’t show preference here. I need to take you in and get your statement. Dad is under a lot of pressure right now and not only from the mayor. So don’t make me put you in the squad car, follow me to the station.”

I didn’t want to make things more difficult for my dad and yet I didn’t want to desert Amy when she needed me. I was relieved when I looked at my phone and saw that Amy had to cancel lunch, her appointments running late.

I sent her a quick text that we’d talk later, then looked at Josh ready to arrest me if necessary. “What are you waiting for? Lead the way.”

I took a moment to let Ian know all was well and I’d text him when I was headed home. I didn’t have the time to explain everything to him right now.

The sheriff’s department was housed at the municipal center a short distance from town on two acres of land. It was a one-level, sprawling building, as was the community center and the municipal building, where the local court, tax office, public works, and all the other necessary town agencies were located. It had winding walkways with benches, trees, and gorgeous flowers in spring and summer.

Josh was just turning into the entrance, the sheriff’s department located in the back, when I spotted Amy’s father’s car pulling out of the gas station not far ahead. I made a hasty, though probably foolish decision… I followed him.

I didn’t trust the man and I didn’t know if Beau was right and he was a gambler, but we wouldn’t learn anything if we didn’t surveillance him. He didn’t know Ian’s vehicle so I could follow him without the threat of being spotted.

He was two cars ahead of me when we stopped at a light, and I took the time to send Josh a quick text.

Quick stop. Be there soon.

I knew he wouldn’t be happy, but I didn’t want to lose this opportunity. If Noah took a road out of town, I’d let him go, reluctantly, but I’d let him go. He circled back to town, and I continued to follow as my cell pinged with text after text. I didn’t have to look at it to know my brother was blowing up my phone.

I was surprised when Noah parked and entered Yesterday’s Treasures. I told myself to get to the police station, but something nagged at me to stay with him. I parked and took a look at my phone before getting out.

Not only were there texts from Josh, but Danny and Ian as well, worried, since Josh had called him wanting to know if he knew where I was and letting him know that if I didn’t get my butt to the station soon, I’d be under arrest. Danny wanted to know why Josh was arresting me.

My cell rang and when I saw who was calling, I didn’t believe Josh would do that to me. It was a low blow… he called our mom.

Did I answer or not?

“Hey, Mom,” I said, because you just did not fail to answer the phone when your mom called.

“Hi, dear, whatever is going on? Breaking and entering and assault on a police officer,” she asked, worry growing in her every word.

If Josh thought that punch was an assault, wait until I got my hands on him. “Josh is exaggerating, Mom. I wasn’t breaking in and I had no intention of entering. And it was a tap in the arm and with his thick muscle, I doubt he felt it.”