My dad remained quiet in thought for a minute. “Sheriff Barrett claimed James knew of Travis but didn’t know him personally. They weren’t part of the same crowd.”

“What crowd would that be?” Ian asked.

“I thought the same back then… what crowd? From what I learned, Rita and Travis spent their time with each other, no one else. I shouldn’t be sharing this information with you, but I don’t feel guilty about doing so since the mayor hasn’t been honest about his part in this case. And that’s about to change.”

“What actually do you know about Rita and Travis?” Ian asked.

I was glad he was asking questions of my dad since my nose pained me or maybe it was my entire face, I wasn’t quite sure. Wherever the pain emanated from, it was leaving me less alert than I would like.

“Everyone we interviewed said the same thing in different ways. Rita and Travis only had time for each other, and Travis could fly into a rage when provoked. Travis’s dad was no help being drunk most of the time and Rita’s parents did not like their daughter dating Travis.”

“Have you notified them that Travis’s body was found?” Amy asked.

My dad shook his head. “I want to wait until I get the official report confirming it’s Travis.” As if someone heard him, my dad’s cell rang. He listened a moment before saying, “I’ll be right there.” He stood and slipped on his jacket and hat. “More evidence that the bones point to Travis.”

“What is it?” I asked, eager to hear.

“They found Travis’s leather jacket beneath the second set of bones.”

“How do they know it’s Travis’s jacket?” I asked.

“His name is stitched into it. Between that and the necklace with his name on it, it’s more than likely that Travis Rodgers has been found, but until the DNA actually confirm that I can’t make an official call.”

“The bruises definitely aren’t as purple, Pep,” Ian said, standing behind me, the top of my head just about reaching his chin, as I looked in the bathroom mirror the next morning.

I leaned back against his naked chest. “You’re definitely not going to want to be seen with me looking like this.”

He looked puzzled. “Why wouldn’t I?” He smiled, his teasing smile. “Besides, everybody in Willow Lake has probably heard of the incident by now and is eager to see you.”

I groaned. “You’re right about that.”

His arms, already around me, hugged me tight.

We heard his cell go off in the bedroom and I followed him when he went to answer it to find Mo stretched out on the unmade bed. I knew exactly what would get him off the bed.

“Breakfast,” I said, and he stretched himself off the bed to follow me out of the room, leaving Ian to talk on the phone.

I had the animals fed, bacon cooking, and tea steeping by the time Ian joined me.

“Lynx is arriving next week with her makeup artist,” he announced.

“She travels with her own makeup artist?” I asked.

“I heard he’s excellent—Watson, I believe his name is—and starting to be in demand, though he caters to Lynx. I’m guessing it’s because she gave him his start.”

I couldn’t resist. “Like in Sherlock and Watson?”

Ian shook his head. “The poor bloke. The Sherlock jokes are probably never-ending.”

Ian came to stand behind me, his arms going around my waist. “It’s cold and dreary out today. I say we stay in and get work done on the Carson case, and we can also go through more of your aunt’s boxes in the library. Unless you have prepper work that needs doing?”

I shook my head. “I’ll need about an hour and a half after breakfast to post things and visit some private chat places that only preppers go to. My book is ahead of schedule to finish, so no worries there. A new YouTube post is ready for tomorrow and all my prepper stuff is up-to-date.” I turned in his arms. “So, who told you to make sure you don’t leave me alone today? Mom or Dad?”

He grinned and, of course, my heart had to flutter, drats but I really loved this man.

“Both,” he said and leaned down to kiss me and stopped.

“My lips aren’t bruised,” I reminded.

“I know but you look so sore.” He kissed me gently.

“The reason you kept your distance from me in bed last night?” I asked. “Not that I was up to any—”

“Hanky panky,” he said with a chuckle.

I jabbed him playfully with my elbow. “I thoroughly enjoy hankypankying with you.”

He laughed again. “I do love you, Pep, and aye, I kept my distance worried I might cause you pain since the doctor said the result of the fall might make itself known later.”

“The hefty snowdrift cushioned me good. I have few aches,” I said and turned to take the last of the bacon out of the pan.