“We were just shooting the breeze so to speak,” Stan said and slipped his white hood up over his head. “Nice talking to you, Pepper.” He disappeared into the mouth of the white tent, closing the flap behind him.

“You need to be careful how you investigate this,” Josh warned in a whisper as he scanned the area. “The mayor has been on Dad about it since he heard. He doesn’t want anyone stealing his dad’s glory and that includes our dad. He’s going to be on the local morning show tomorrow, and you can bet he’s going to put his own spin on things. I worry the mayor may use Dad as a scapegoat to get what he wants.”

“I thought the same,” I said, agreeing with him.

“You also need to be careful. The murderer could still be around, someone in town we’ve known for years, someone who doesn’t want to be discovered.”

“Or he could have been someone passing through town,” I said.

“Then it’s an unlikely chance we’ll ever find out who he is, especially after thirty-five years.”

“Don’t bet on it,” I said and turned to walk away, stopped and turned to grin at my brother. “But then you didn’t take that bet.” I laughed and called out to Mo, who came bouncing over to me, his snout covered with snow. “Let’s go see what Ian is up to.”

He ran ahead as I followed, my mind not on my brother’s warning but on the fact that Stan had never answered me as to whether he and his friends were staying at the lodge when Rita was murdered.


Mo took advantage of his popularity at the lodge and settled himself in front of the fireplace with two of the female models, who lavished him with rubs and endless kisses, not to mention snacks.

“Are you staying awhile, Pepper, can I remove Mo’s vest so he can get comfortable?” a model named Robin called out.

Mo looked at me with a please-please-please look and who was I to resist his charm. “Go ahead, Robin, and if you could give him some water, I’d appreciate it. There’s a collapsible bowl in his vest.”

“Will do,” she said, turning to kiss Mo on the snout and talk sweetly to him.

I shook my head and went to find Ian. Mo was never going to want to leave here. Though, I realized he’s never gone that long from me when we’re out. He’d search me down when he was done with the sweet-talking Robin.

“Ian’s in his office, luv,” Thad called out when I turned.

Thad was one of those multi-layered muscled models with dark eyes that oozed sexuality and a faithful guy to a longtime girlfriend. And I know that because I’ve heard the other guy models teasing him about it. Beau had been one of them, but not since Amy entered his life.

“Thanks, Thad,” I said with a wave and entered the hallway that led to Ian’s office that had once been his uncle Max’s office. I hadn’t seen it since it was painted and decorated, my time here usually spent in his private quarters.

I approached the door that sat slightly ajar and hearing Ian talk, I waited not wanting to interrupt a Face Time or Zoom meeting.

“I look forward to meeting you as well, Lynx.”

Okay that got my radar going. I pulled my knit cap off to hear better and stepped closer to the door to listen.

“Aye, it is an exciting venture and sure to be successful.”

So, this Lynx was thrilled to be working with Ian and he was reassuring her that all would go well. Was she that nervous or was she playing him?

Really, Pepper, I admonished myself. You’re not an insecure teenager.

I’m definitely not a teenager, but insecure, at times, might be accurate. I mean, who isn’t when it comes to relationships.

“Aye, going out to supper would be nice.”

The insecurity vanished replaced with annoyance that she didn’t even bother to ask if he was involved with someone. Or hadn’t she read the tabloids lately and learned Ian was seeing someone? I was about to burst in but stopped hearing Ian say…

“I believe you will get on well with my girlfriend.”

I grinned, very happy he made sure to mention me.

“See you soon, Lynx.” There was a moment’s pause before he said, “You can come in now, Pep, though you could have come in before now.”

I entered his office, my grin gone. “How did you know I was out there?”

Ian laughed. “Only you would want to know how I knew you were out there spying on me instead of demanding to know about Lynx.”

He reached out, slipped my backpack off, and wrapped his arms around my waist to draw me gently against him.

“You know me far too well,” I said and kissed him. “Now tell me how you knew I was out there.”