“Eggs, pancakes? What’s it going to be today? I know how you two like to mix it up.”
We quickly settled on what we wanted and as soon as Lara left, I asked. “How are you doing?”
“Honestly, Pep, I don’t know. Naturally, I wonder what brought my dad back here after all this time. I certainly don’t see myself suddenly wanting him in my life. I don’t even know the man. I do have some happy memories of time spent with him, but the hurt of him leaving my mom and me far outweigh those pleasant memories. I go from not wanting to speak to him to demanding that he tells me why he deserted us. My stomach twists when I think of seeing him.”
“And it should. Noah Berwick is a good-for-nothing.” Zelda slid into the seat beside Amy. “Don’t let him sweet talk you like he did your mom. That man’s tongue is made of silk, and he’s roped in numerous women with it.”
Shock had Amy asking, “He cheated on my mom?”
“I don’t know for sure, but why does a man leave his family without notice for days on end every now and then? Your mom brushed it off, claimed he needed some time to himself when everyone could clearly see how upset and worried she was. Nancy was too good for Noah, and so are you,” Zelda warned. “And don’t think he’s changed. When he was here yesterday, he sweet-talked Madge Newell into not only paying for his breakfast but in renting a room from her and Ben at their B&B for less money than usual. And I bet anything he winds up not paying a dime.”
“Why didn’t you warn her?” Amy asked, clearly upset.
“You try to get a word in with Madge, especially when she starts sprouting how she’s not one to gossip when actually she’s the biggest gossip in town.” Zelda shook her head. “It was useless anyway. Noah had her spellbound. She wouldn’t have believed me.” She took hold of Amy’s hand. “Don’t let that bastard take from you like he took from your mom.” She stood and turned to me. “Sorry about that curse, Pep, I meant no disrespect to your mom.”
“None taken,” I assured her which got me wondering about how my own mom felt about Noah. She had never commented on him through the years when Dad brought up his name. I was curious and intended to ask her.
Amy stared at her breakfast when Lara sat it in front of her and shook her head. “I told Zelda to keep that to herself at least until after you ate breakfast. News like that always ruins the appetite. I can wrap it for you if you want.”
“Thanks, Lara, but I ate so little last night that I’m actually hungry,” Amy said.
“No man is worth wasting good food over,” Lara said and chuckled as she walked away.
I decided now was a good time to change the subject. And what would get her mind off her dad? Murder!
“Mayor Barrett believes Travis killed Rita just as his dad always believed, and he wants my dad to prove it and put the case to rest and see his dad get the praise for being right about Travis all along.” Amy did what I hoped she would do… volunteer.
“I’ll help solve the murder with you,” she said eagerly.
“I knew I could count on you,” I said, digging into my veggie omelet.
“You knew I would, and you also knew it would help get my mind off other things, and I thank you for it.”
I was glad to see her digging into her veggie omelet as well.
“What do you want me to do, since I know you already have something in mind for me?”
“It’s kind of mundane to start but you’re good with spreadsheets and such. My dad made notes through the years and tossed them out of frustration and, of course, my mom rescued them and even dated them.”
“You want me to collate them according to dates. I can also collate them to repeated names, places, and such. Leave it to me. I’ll get it done.”
“I have them in my truck.” I grinned and was happy that Amy returned the smile.
“Of course, you do. Beau is going to be thrilled. He was hoping we would help solve the murder.”
“We?” I emphasized. “You’re a, we, like in a couple?”
“I’m not sure yet and I don’t want to rush into anything.”
“Like I did?” I laughed.
“You didn’t think yourself in love with someone else since you were young,” Amy reminded.
“You’ve got to get over my brother Thomas. He looks at you like a sister, and he has a girlfriend, if you can call the self-centered Lola that. You must feel something for Beau. You two spend endless time together.”
“I do and that makes it all the more confusing to me. If I really never loved Thomas, how do I know if my feelings for Beau are real?”