Chapter Twenty

When he flew away fromthe memorial he’d created for Amy a week later, he burned inside, the emotions a mire of need, anger, frustration and desperation.

Sorin had to clear his head before he had any chance of finding her.

That he would find her wasn’t in doubt. He would. If he had to fly the world over, a thousand times. Now that he knew she’d come back to him, nothing would stop him.

In his dragon form, where his magic was at is pinnacle and he could soak up the natural energy in the air, he flew high, high into the sky, so high even man’s technological wonders didn’t permit them to soar to such heights.

It allowed him the peace and clarity to clear his mind to some extent, enough, at least, to make a decision.

Home first.

He would go home, take a night’s rest. He needed to hunt as well, fill the empty hole in his gullet, perhaps even...meditate. It was a practice his uncle had drilled into him and one various masters of fighting arts had drilled into his skull over the long decades during his youth, before his uncle had decided he was proficient as a warrior.

There is no discipline over the body without discipline over the mind and emotions, little dragon.

Often, memories of his uncle’s teachings made him want to sneer. But that particular bit of wisdom had value.

So he’d meditate.

And in the morn, once his head was clear, he’d begin his search.

After all, she wouldn’t have gone far. She’d wanted him to have faith, hadn’t she?

So Sorin would have faith. He’d have faith that Gia wanted to be with him as much as he wanted to be with her, that she wouldn’t make them wait for each other any longer than they already had. Almost five centuries was enough.

HE’D SPENT NEARLY ANhour soaring in the upper reaches of the stratosphere, far higher than human machines could reach. His need for oxygen wasn’t much different than other creatures, but dragon magic could suffice for a short time. And hours weren’t even seconds in a dragon’s scheme of things.

By the time he kited back to more tolerable levels, his head was a bit clearer and he’d decided he’d made an acceptable plan.

He also knew he couldn’t put off hunting any longer. It had been well over a week since he’d had anything more substantial than the deer he’d killed the night he’d taken Gia to bed—or rather, the night she’d taken him.

Pleasure slid through him, a sweet fire that smoldered like embers as he soared over a valley. Deer gathered there. Spying a big buck, he dove and landed, taking his prey down smoothly. They’d scattered swiftly, but he’d used his tail to knock another fleeing young male off his feet and he ate him as well, taking the edge of his hunger.

With one of his worst issues assuaged, he shifted into his human form and dove into the clear, cold lake where the deer had been feeding. It was as he was swimming up to the surface that he felt it.

Belly full and mind at ease with the peace of confidence that Gia was somewhere close, just waiting for him, he felt it...

That same prickling knowledge that had awoken him mere days ago.

Only days.

He could feel her.

Surfacing, Sorin shook the water from his eyes, Sorin sputtered and choked on the water he’d accidentally inhaled in his surprise. “Gia.”

He cocked his head and closed his eyes, blocking out the glint of golden sunlight and clear blue water, then tuned in on that faint sense. Drifting in the cold lake, he let his awareness of her grow and grow...

Then, with a loud, boisterous laugh, he lunged out of the water, his shift complete before he cleared the lake.

A dragon’s trumpeting cry of triumph sounded the air as he headed for Gia...who waited for him at his home.


Those words, bright with joy and hope, were almost an echo of the words Wyn had said on the mountain not even two weeks earlier.

Gia moved into the large living area with its stained glass window that faced out over a beautiful vista of lakes and mountains, studded with trees and cliffs.