“She’s going to leave me,” he choked out through tears.


It was Amy who spoke, not Gia.

Wyn froze, face still pressed to Gia’s belly. Slowly, he lifted his head.

Amy took a step toward him. “Wyn, I could never leave you, no matter what happens. Just as your father hasn’t ever left us.”

He took a halting step from Gia, then another.

As he ran toward his mother, Gia closed her eyes against the tears.

Sorin was right.

Life was so very not fair.

As mother and child clung to each other, the dragon came to her.

He cupped her face in one hand, thumb stroking over her lip. “You’ll be safe.”

It wasn’t a request, but an order, delivered from a being so old, he simply expected obedience as his due.

“I will.” But in this, Gia had no problem agreeing. “We’re not done, you and I.”

He lowered his head and kissed her. “No, witchling. We are not.”

As they parted, she looked at the boy, then back at him. “I hope you’re prepared to become a father figure overnight, dragon.”

Seeing him blanche made her grin, then laugh.