“It’s her chance at redemption.” He touched her cheek. “Witchling, you’ve looked at her, felt the weariness and grief in her soul. That grief weighs on her even heavier now that she knows she’s been a pawn for a madwoman.”

“She...” Anger burned in her, impotent and hot. Swearing, she fisted her hands on his chest and shoved. “Damn you.”

“Do you blame me? Would you have rather I stayed quiet, left her to just end her life?”

She bared her teeth at him. “No.”

Because she didn’t think it would have gone that way. Amy would have sat and waited and grown angry. Then she would have become reckless and gone to face Ronna. Whether she would have just died or been taken prisoner, Gia had no idea, but neither fate sounded appealing—or fair.

Amy had been used, likely nothing but a pawn even to her own mother.

Amy had spent her entire life feeling useless and she’d had known it.

Something in had snapped and demanded she take control of something, even if it was only the manner in which she died. Turning from Sorin and pacing several steps away, Gia stared at Amy as she knelt in front of the boy. “It’s not fair. Not to either of them.”

“You and I both know that little about life is fair, Gia.”

Sorin approached from behind.

Although she sensed his movements, she didn’t move away. The feel of his arms coming around her was so welcome, so natural, it was hard to believe there had ever been a time when they hadn’t been together. If It wasn’t for the memory of the void within her, she’d almost be able to believe that time hadn’t even existed.

“True.” She covered the hands at her waist with her. “If life was fair, I wouldn’t be forced to walk away from you right now. But what else am I supposed to do?”

“You know this isn’t over.” He skimmed his lips down her neck. “I’ll deal with this annoyance, then I’ll find you. You can’t go far enough to escape me.”

She snorted. “You’re so arrogant.” It was a familiar sentiment and she smiled. “I’ve thought those words before. Did I tell that...when I was another woman?”

“Several times over.” He nipped the curve where neck flowed into shoulder, then released her. “You should go. My skin has grown tight. They’re getting closer.”

Gia looked at Wyn because at that very moment, he’d flung himself at Amy and wrapped his arms tight around her, clinging tight. “No, mum! No!”

“What do I tell him?” Gia whispered. “Part of him knows she sealed her fate long ago. I think he’s sensed this coming for some times. But he looks at me and I see the pleading in his eyes. He wants so badly for me to save her.”

“Focus on taking care of him for now, witchling. In time, he’ll learn that’s she already done what she can to save herself. That’s the best you can do.”

THE BEST I CAN DO, she thought bitterly.

Ten minutes later, she stood with Wyn’s hand clasped in hers. He was trembling and tears had made tracks down his dirty cheeks, still gleamed in his eyes. Mutinous anger lit his eyes as he stood there and from time to time, he flexed his hand, a silent warning that he was thinking about tearing away from Gia so he could run to his mother.

“Can’t you help her?” he demanded as Amy spoke to Sorin, their voices low.

“No. That sort of witchcraft is a skill beyond my understanding. The only witches I know who might be able to help live thousands of miles from here and every minute we linger here puts you In more danger.” She crouched next to him, willing him to look at her.

It seemed to take forever, but he finally darted a look at her from the corner of his eye.

“This woman, Ronna...Wyn, be honest with me. She wants you, doesn’t she?”

He didn’t answer and Gia bit back an ugly stream of profanity.

“Your mother has enough raw talent that Ronna had to wear her down. But she can’t wait much longer because you’re getting older. And since she lost her husband, she’ll be angrier. Your mother won’t risk letting you get hurt. You know that.”

“I don’t care what happens to me,” he said, angry tears flooding his eyes.

“She does.” This time, she crowded his space until he finally looked at her. “Wyn, you won’t believe this, but I know what you’re feeling. I know. She won’t risk you being here when they arrive, so if you push...” Gia held his gaze, treating him with the respect both his wisdom and power deserved. “She’ll come with you. But that only means more people will be put at risk. Because this woman won’t stop. And you know it.”

Wyn’s eyes scrunched close. Then, abruptly, he flung himself at her, small fists pounding at her stomach and chest. She took the blows, holding up a hand even when Amy and Sorin started for them.

Then the blows stopped and he flung his arms around her.