Amy’s teeth chattered. “She’s cold.”

“She can’t help that,” Gia said gently. “She’s not among the living anymore and her power doesn’t come from the same place as ours.”

But Amy didn’t seem to hear her.

Neither, for that matter, did the shade.

Both had gone still.

Amy’s eyes had changed, gone the same eerie black pools as the shade’s, her mouth open in a silent cry.

Then the shade broke contact, disgust traveling to Gia through their bond.

“The one who did this...she’s broken. She’s evil. She’s hunted our kind, Gia. She must die.”

Gia felt her shade starting to break away and she said, “Stop.”

The shade flickered, hesitating.

“Did you break binding?”

After a brief hesitation, the shade shook her head.

Then, slowly, her form solidified until she almost looked alive. It was a rare occasion that she expended that much energy. Rarer still that she spoke to anybody but Gia, but she did so, looking from Gia to Amy before saying in a haunting, echoing voice, “The binding isn’t just to your blood, but your life, human. It is rooted in your heart. That is why neither Gia nor I sensed it before. It’s part of you and has been for years. To break it is to kill you. I...I am sorry.”