Chapter Nine

Underhill and heavenhelp her. She did. From the moment she’d laid eyes on him and seen the predatory grace that was the legendary golden dragon, Gia had known there was something between them—something destined. Something old.

She’d also realized why he felt so familiar—she’d seen his face, that beautiful face with his golden gaze—a thousand times over during her life, but always in the dark quiet of her dreams, forgotten almost the moment she opened her eyes.

Whatever this was between them, she didn’t yet understand it, but she couldn’t deny it, either.

With the promise of death no longer at her heels and the boy safe with his mother, she was done pretending that need wasn’t eating her alive inside.

Outside, the storm raged, one that would have most creatures seeking shelter, so neither of them needed to worry about the vulnerable ones under their care. Her shade could keep watch over the woman and boy.

Gia could take this time for herself—could take him.

Swaying forward, she pressed her lips to his.

The heat of him was shocking, a brand to her senses.

She gasped, falling back, one hand braced against the earthen floor beneath her, her eyes widening as the light contact reverberated through her. It was like...

She couldn’t explain it—coming home.

Tears rushed to her eyes, an overwhelming ache deep inside her suddenly making itself known. That ache consumed her—but it wasn’t pain, precisely, because the ache was only there to tell her that she wasn’t alone. That she was no longer broken, but whole.’s you. I’ve found you.

Sorin reached up to cup her face, his brows coming together. “Witchling...” He stroked a thumb over her lower lip, the other feathering over her brow. “You’re sad.”

“No,” she whispered, the words forced out through a throat thick with emotion. She couldn’t explain how she felt—she wasn’t sad, was she? She laid a hand on his cheek, felt the smoothness of his skin against her palm and wondered at it—how such a powerful man, capable of brutality, surely, could have skin that felt like heated silk under her touch. “I’m not sad.”

“Then why do I see tears burning in your eyes?”

She shook her head. “I can’t explain it. Kiss me, dragon.”

He looked like he would argue.

So Gia kissed him instead.

A rough growl rumbled out of him, vibrating up from his chest. She pressed herself closer and that made him growl again and this time, she felt the deeply masculine sound of hunger vibrating through her own body as he pulled her closer and rolled to his back on the chilly dirt floor of the shelter.

He tangled a hand in her hair and tugged her head, angling her until he had her as he wanted her.

Then, he feasted.

Gia was no stranger to sex.

She’d had a few serious lovers, had even thought herself to be in love once, a lifetime ago. But it had ended and they’d parted as friends. She’d taken both men and women to her bed, her long lifetime teaching her that love—and pleasure—were many things, but simple wasn’t among the descriptors, ever.

Yet in all the decades she’d lived, in the nights she’d shared with others, even the man she’d thought she’d loved, she’d never known anything like the feel of Sorin’s touch, never experienced anything like the way he captured her mouth and kissed her.

He pushed his fingers through her hair, cupped her scalp, while the other skimmed along her spine down to rest at the small of her back, urging her lower body closer to his.

She whimpered and wiggled, needing more contact. He groaned, then rolled them over, splaying her thighs wide before settling against her, somehow finding the exact right fit, as if they’d been lovers for a lifetime.

It was like he alone understood secrets her body held, secrets she hadn’t even known existed.

She cried out when he started to pull back, grabbing onto his bare biceps and digging in with her fingers.

He nipped her lower lip by continued to ease away. “Gia...stop.”