It promised to be a long night. But they’d have a fire, and soon, thanks to an arrogant dragon, they’d have food.

THE SCENT OF ROASTINGrabbit filled the small cabin.

The four plump critters turned on a spit thanks to a bit of magic, but although Gia’s belly rumbled, her mind wasn’t on food.

Sorin had turned the rabbits over and left, barely speaking a word.

She didn’t have to ask why.

Amy had squeaked out a horrified cry when he’d come into the cabin, wearing only a pair of the black combat pants, a splash of red on his jaw.

Gia had scented more blood on him, all of it animal, figured he’d taken his shirt off rather than avoid scaring Wyn by coming inside wearing the streaks of red. Gia doubted Wyn would have minded, though. She was irritated as hell by Amy’s actions.

The dragon had helped save her and Amy freaked out because he had some animal’s blood on him.

Wyn hadn’t noticed, or if he had, it hadn’t fazed the boy.

But Amy reacted like he’d walked in dragging a virgin’s dismembered corpse behind him while gnawing on her heart.

Prowling back around the room, she circled back to the fire and hunkered down in front of it.

Judging the game to be done, she used a wadded up shirt from her pack to protect her hand as she removed the spit, then used her knife to nudge two of the rabbits off onto large, flat rocks she’d found in the yard earlier and cleaned using heated rain water.

“Dinner, young sir,” she said, turning one of the rabbits over to Wyn. Without speaking, she gave the other Amy. That done, she rose and hauled her pack over her shoulder.

With the other two rabbits still skewered on the spit, she headed for the door.

“Where are you going?” Amy asked.

“Out to sit with the man who was kind enough to provide the dinner I requested of him—for your sake, Amy.” Gia turned and gave her a hard look. “I would have been fine eating deer meat still bloody enough to turn your weak stomach so I asked him—a dragon—to hunt rabbits. And he did. Then you squeaked like some damn mouse because he had blood on his face—after he'd gone hunting.”

She stiffened, staring at Gia with both shock and insult but Gia was too irritated to care.

“For your son’s sake, woman, grow a backbone,” she added. “You were willing and able to lead me like a lamb to slaughter, so you can both make hard choices and deal with distasteful issues like blood and death. Stop being so squeamish. Your son is already more adult than you.”

Now Amy’s face was red, eyes gleaming as she looked from Wyn to Gia but Gia wouldn’t apologize over putting the truth out there. It wasn’t like the boy didn’t already know. His abilities had already made that happen.

“You’re safe in here for the night,” Gia said, turning her back on the two. “My shade will keep watch.”

On cue, the shade peeled away from Gia and took up position beside the door as Gia opened it and stepped outside. Once the door was closed, she called a bit of magic to her and set up a protective barrier around the cabin.

Through the stinging rain, she looked toward the smaller shelter and smiled when she saw the soft glow of a fire.

SORIN, LOST IN A DEEPbrood, was taken by surprise when Gia stepped into the open door of the log-framed structure. Immediately, the space became a thousand times brighter and welcoming. Rising, he crossed to stand in front of her, stopping only when she brandished the spit of rabbits between them.

“I bring food,” she said, gaze direct.

“I ate.” He’d taken down a deer in his dragon form before returning to the small clearing and pulling on his clothing to go hunt a couple of small rabbits for his beloved.

“Then do you mind if I sit out here while I eat?” She still held his gaze without flinching. “I’m tired of being around a woman who flinches over the sight of blood only days after being ready to spill mine.”

Sorin’s skin went tight, his other form demanding freedom, his claws flexing against the barrier of his human form, muscles trembling at the restraint his will imposed. Voice coming out like broken gravel, he said, “Since I’d rather not terrify the boy by storming in there and threatening that woman within an inch of her life, we shouldn’t discuss that.”

Gia’s eyes went wide and her mouth parted.

Just like that, the molten heat inside him took new form. He wanted that mouth again, under his, on his skin, branding him.

Before he could give in, he backed away, turning so she could step past him into the shelter. “You’re welcome to keep me company, if you wish.”