Chapter Twenty-Nine

Zee controlled herreactions—her facial expression, her respirations, her heartbeat, everything—save for the sudden spike of jealous anger that jolted through her, and an instinctive response to the subtle challenge that was Hannah’s presence.

Thatwas why the blonde was here.

She wasn’t just sizing Zee up.

It went much, much deeper.

Zee wasn’t surprised when Hannah’s gaze flew to her, with an arched brow and wide, cornflower blue eyes full of disdain.

Oh, honey... you’re pissing me off.

Hannah wasn’t... pretty. Not really.

However, she was engaging, with strong, arresting features and a face that was unforgettable, the kind of woman many men would notice—and quite a few would want.

She also stood nearly a head taller than Zee and her frame was lithely muscled.

Somebody with no knowledge of Preterns, especially predatory Therians, might look at the two women and make the assumption that the taller, sleek form of Hannah could take down the petite, lushly curved Zee within seconds, have her crying for mercy in a few more.

But Hannah was Therian. She was also one of Niko’s soldiers. She should know better than to make assumptions based on mere appearance.

Zee kept her strength contained, locking away the growing dominance her father had sensed inside her hidden out of habit. After more than a decade of separation from her hard father, his harsh voice was a fading memory but the lessons he’d drilled into her in the quiet of their home would never fade.

Eyes on the floor, little wolf! Now!

None of that attitude from you, wolfling. You hear me? None!

You get that look out of your eyes, little wolf.

Never glare at your brothers like that, not at me, not at anybody.

You want to survive long enough to grow up? Then suck it up and learn to submit. Otherwise, they’ll eat you alive, and they’ll do it now while you’re too weak to stop them.

Eventually, the growled warnings had turned to cold disapproval and silence.

And she’d learned.

Zee no longer had to hide who or what she was. But the problem was... she didn’t entirely understand just who she was.

However, there was one thing she didn’t question.

Hannah was taller and she might look stronger, but she wasn’t.

Zee could rip the other woman’s throat out in seconds.

Hannah’s mocking smirk made her want to do just that.

When Zee continued doing her slow, steady pull-ups, Hannah’s smile widened, almost as if in a dare.

The tension in the air mounted as the two women continued to stare at each other.

Boone stepped toward the blonde soldier, the subtle tension in his body making it clear he was aware of the rising danger.

“Hannah,” Boone said, his voice a threatening growl.

Hannah hesitated a second too long before looking at the man, second-in-command to the Appalachian Prime.