She worked with law enforcement and had a record for helping close some of the most violent cases in the region. Although she was loosely linked to Durham-Starfell Police, she'd been known to travel throughout the United States, and even internationally, to various allies within the Reformed UN.

There were even rumors that she'd crossed the Gates to track Fae killers, gone into the Faelands to drag murderers out to face justice—and anybody who tried to stop her had failed. Underhill, he thought. The Fae and Nightdwellers called that place Underhill, even talked about it like it was a person.

Feeling Shale's piercing gaze on him, he forced himself to meet his friend's eyes.

“Yes. She showed up only seconds after I did and said she could help hold you until we got you to Deena. I guess she figured out you had Fae blood.”

Shale laughed sourly. “Seeing as how we're friends, yeah, I suppose she does know that.”

Niko stilled, eyes narrowing on Shale's face.

“You're friends with her?”

“She knows my grandmother,” Shale said, his voice cool. “When I moved here, she wanted to make sure I could reach out to her if I ever needed help. Not everybody is as insular as certain Therian wolves are.”