He looked like he wanted to say something, but after several taut moments, he shifted his attention to Liam. “Did you ride out with Alison?”

Liam’s scent changed, intensified. She’d been away from him too long to understand the changing complexity, but she couldn’t miss the increased heart rate that came on the heels of that question.

“Yeah,” Liam said.

That was it. Nothing else.

And the stark, short response was... lacking.

She fought the urge to put herself between Liam and Niko, instinctively knowing he wouldn’t react the way another pack leader would have—with vicious brutality for a perceived insult and obvious disrespect. She also had to lock her jaw to keep from speaking up in an effort to draw Niko’s attention—and anger—to herself. Niko wasn’t pleased with Liam’s attitude. She sensed that, the same way she could sense an oncoming storm. But Liam chose to still live in Appalachia and he had to figure out how to handle the Prime on his own. Her interference could make things worse.

Although if she suspected he’d be cruel or violent toward her baby brother...

If you thought that of him, you never would have loved him,a soft voice murmured.

She ignored the voice, because she had loved him. And yet...

He’d apologized.

Damn it, she wanted to plug her ears and sing to drown that voice out—but since it was coming from her own head, that wouldn’t help, would it?

Suddenly aware that the stranger was studying her with open interest, she whipped her head around and found her gaze connecting with his.

Her wolf went quiet. Her Fae self went quiet.

Everythingwent quiet.

Even though she was consciously aware that Niko was speaking to Liam, the words all ran together, none of them connecting to make sense in her mind as she found herself lost in this other man’s gaze.

His brows rose slightly, a puzzled expression on his face, but then it faded, replaced by understanding.

And her Fae self reached for him.

It wasn’t a sexual thing, this awareness.

But it was powerful, and confusing as hell.

Nerves jumping up to grab her by the throat, Zee took an instinctive step back.

The connection between them snapped.

Niko pushed between her and his lieutenant, reaching out a hand. “Zee? Are you okay?”

Lifting her gaze to his, she found him looking at her with concern... and something akin to jealousy in his gaze.

Her wolf curled up inside her, quivering and confused.

Zee tugged her hand free from Liam’s. “I... am going inside the house. I’m hungry and tired. Liam, I’ll see you in a bit.”

Turning on her heel, she strode for the sprawling home behind her—the one that would have been hers, if things had turned out differently.

She should have known better to wish for that though. Even back then.