“You don’t mean that,” he said.

“Don’t tell me what I mean, what I want, what I know, what I need,” she bit off. “I’ve been alone and without a pack, without touch,” without you, “for too damn long and I’m slowly going crazy. There isn’t exactly a high prevalence of wolves or other Therians in the Cape but somehow, any damn time I came close to hooking up, one of your friends somehow managed to be in the area and whatever man I was with decided it wasn’t worth having his gut ripped open, fighting for the right to touch me. Which is a fucking laugh—you threw me away. But Therian men do stick together. I all but have a sign pasted to my forehead. Property of Prime Whelan. And it won’t get any better when we get to Durham-Starfell. I need sex.”

His heart was pounding, hard and fast enough that she could hear it.

Her face was flaming, the visceral humiliation she felt at having to practically beg him to touch her almost enough to send her running again.

“I will not go back there and have every damn Therian I come across scent my need on me like I’m a bitch in heat.”

He shoved off the door and closed the distance so fast, she never saw him move.

Anger was a fire in his eyes, but when he touched her, it was with a gentle grip on her chin.

“Nobody will disrespect you. I’ll see to it,” he said, a snarl quivering under his words.

“Maybe not out loud. But you can’t control how people think.” Reaching up, she closed her hand around his wrist. That light touch had her clamoring, begging for more. “They’ll look at me, realize my... dilemma, and understand that you still won’t touch me.”

Niko’s mouth went flat. “If you think I don’t want you, you’re not paying attention.”

“Then what’s the problem?”

“You... ” He stopped, letting out a sound that was uniquely him, uniquely Niko. It spoke of the beast that was a meld of his ancestry, and of his frustration.

And of his resistance to the very idea of touching her, Zee thought, a cold knot forming in her belly.

“What do you want, Zee?” he demanded.

“I already told you. Take me to bed. Seduction or tenderness isn’t required.” He probably no longer had any desire to use either with her. Fine. The shape she was in, she didn’t need it anyway. And if it broke something inside her to acknowledge that, well, what was one more broken piece among the hundreds that made up her heart?

“So you think I should just shove you against a wall and give you a fast, hard fuck?” The disbelief in his voice was echoed on his face.

Studying him, Zee realized this had been a futile hope.

“Fine,” she said in a wooden voice. “Good night.”

Turning on her heel, she walked back to her room.

“Zee, wait.”

She closed the door and went to the suitcase she’d put in the closet on the provided stand. Unzipping it, she pulled out a pair of jeans.

Niko wouldn’t give her what she needed, but she was done letting the sexual hunger drive her insane.

There had been plenty of men in the lobby bar and she hadn’t scented any other wolves besides her and Niko.

She didn’t care if she had to drag somebody into a public bathroom.

She wasn’t going to fall asleep with the viscous, pulsing ache another night.