That had been eight years ago and over time, the Atargarians had come to consider her as one of them.

None of them would look at her sideways if she left this place with a man. A few male Atargarians had even attempted to court her, but all of them had been brutally dominant. Their dominance hadn’t been the problem. She knew if push came to shove and outside forces interfered, blood would be spilled.

She didn’t want that on her conscience.

Too many of the human males in the region had heard about her issues through the grapevine and they, like the few Therians she’d met over the years, avoided her. For them, it might have been more out of fear, or at least a healthy respect for Therian male dominance and possessiveness.

This man, though, had no clue who she was.

“Heya, Zee.” The man who came to stand in front of them was tall and heavily muscled, his eyes a warm, velvety brown unless he was angry or hyped up on other strong emotions. Now, those eyes smiled at her.

Donner Hawthorne, big and brutal and as deadly as the orca he shifted into, also had a decidedly mischievous bent to him, especially when it came to those he considered part of his family.

She could practically hear him encouraging her. Go for it, Zee. Now.

Hell, if there was a private room in the bar other than Meridia’s office or the supply room with the busted door, he’d probably lean in and tell her to drag the man with her and get it over with already.

Zee blushed, a part of her hating how easy some of her friends could read her. At the same time, their love and support meant everything.

Donner turned his attention to the man at her side. Duke could meet him eye to eye easily. He smiled, although he averted his gaze in a telling manner, alerting both Zee and Donner to the fact Duke was well aware of certain aspects about Atargarians.

Donner took his measure in one quick glance. “You stationed at the AC outside Boston?”

“I am.” A rueful grin curved his lips. “I think it must be written on my forehead. Does it say anywhere up there Midwesterner, born and bred, up there too?”

“Nah.” Donner shrugged. “But the accent gives you away. What’s your pleasure, AC?”

“I’ll buy the lady whatever she wants,” he said, looking over at Zee with a warm smile. Then he named a beer from a local brewery.

“You want your usual, Zee?” Donner looked at her and gave her a quick wink.

Her cheeks flushed and while Duke was facing the other way, she mouthed, Stop it.

Instead, Donner put a hand to his chest and mimicked a throbbing heart.

From the corner of her eye, she saw Duke looking back toward them. Quick as a wish, Donner had turned away, whistling innocently like he wasn’t already looking forward to teasing her like mad later on.

“Here you go... ” Two minutes later, Donner was back in front of them, putting a beer in front of Duke before placing an electric blue cocktail in front of Zee.

Her cheeks flamed even hotter, a groan rising in her throat.

“And for you, honey, a Mermaid’s Orgasm.”

“That’s not my usual,” she said in a choked voice.

Donner gave her another look of pure innocence.

She fought the urge to pound her head—or his—against the surface of the bar. “It’s not? You and Meridia binged on them the last time you two were in here. Here. I’ll take it—”

“It’s fine,” she said, taking it before giving him a dark look that promised revenge. Turning to Duke and effectively dismissing Donner, she said, “So, why P-town?”

He hadn’t noticed Donner’s antics, or he’d chosen to ignore them, keeping his attention on her.

The clawing, tugging hunger inside her stretched even more. Stop, we don’t even know if we like him yet.

We don’t need to!The twin urges inside her were one on this. We need skin. We need touch. We need—

She slammed the door shut on the voices so she could focus on Duke.