All of that was delivered in a voice so calm, so easy, they could have been discussing what to order for lunch.

Zee laughed weakly and shook her head as they turned a corner “Saint. You’re a lunatic.”

“Perhaps... ” His words trailed off.

They both came to a stop, both of them checking the air out of habit, scenting it. Zee felt the skin along her spine begin to crawl as she studied the man loitering outside a patient room. Saint grabbed her and jerked sideways, taking them both into an open door doorway, out of sight, just as the man looked in the opposite direction, away from them.

Going with instinct, she didn’t fight her brother.

Instead, she breathed in again, tasting the air, and examining the man’s scent.

It was familiar.

Very familiar.

Her heart began to pump harder and faster. She didn’t know why, couldn’t process all the messages her system was sending her—breathing quickened, vision narrowed, muscles loose and ready. Run. Run. Run.

Her gums ached.

That, she did recognize. Her teeth wanted to elongate—the partial shift of a dominant Therian wolf ready to attack.

But why?

Saint touched her chin, guiding her face to his and she saw him studying her, saw the question in his eyes.

She just shook her head, because she didn’t know what her instincts had picked up on. Not yet.

She jerked her head to the corridor.

After a few seconds, he nodded and they slipped out, walking down the corridor to the open door of the patient room. Zee saw the man she’d glimpsed just a minute or so earlier, dressed in a nurse’s uniform, but instinct, again, guided her.

Not a nurse.

“What in the hell are you doing?” she demanded as the man held the tubing that ran from a machine to Shale’s body. In his other, he held a syringe. Its body contained a thick liquid with a murky haze and he’d just started to depress the plunger, sending that noxious fluid into the IV. Into Shale.

The male turned toward her and froze.

As his gaze locked with hers, years fell away and recognition slammed into her.