Maybe you should tell her.

He quelled the voice, not even certain where it came from.

“Then I guess I’ve got a lot of convincing to do.” He nuzzled her again, cuddling her close as he stroked a hand down her spine.

She was rigid, but she hadn’t pushed him away.

“Have dinner with me before the ceremony. You’ll need to eat. We’ll be out late.”

She grumbled something so low, he couldn’t make out the words.

Tangling his fingers in her hair, he tugged until she looked up at him. Her gaze went to the claw marks on his face and he wasn’t surprised to see a dull flush stain her cheeks red. “Before you ask, I’m not going to have the healer tend to it.”

“Who said I was going to ask?”

He just smiled.

She curled her lip.

It was all he could do not to kiss the snarl off her face.

“I earned these marks,” he said, combing his fingers through the silk of her hair. “People will figure out fast who put them there. There’s only one reason a Prime would let anybody mark him like this.”

“If you’re not careful, all your lovers will think you’re no longer available.”

“Save for one... ” He bent and nipped her lower lip. “I’m not. Dinner?”