Chapter Thirteen

The pain was awful.

Zee had known it would hurt the first time, had expected it.

Earlier, when she’d made the decision to go to Niko, she’d pushed the knowledge out of her head because she’d already been hurting, just in a different way. That particular ache was one she’d grown accustomed to, but since he’d reappeared back in her life, it had become much, much worse, a physical pain that threatened to drive her to madness—or desperation.

She’d also stayed quiet on the fact that she hadn’t been with anybody—they weren’t who they used to be, the sweet boy who’d made out with her in the backseat of the car now a quiet, hard man who controlled one of the largest Therian packs in the world.

“Fuck,” that quiet, hard man snarled, his body quivering against hers as he fought to cage a hunger so powerful, she could feel it rolling from him in waves. “Fuck... Be... just be still.”

She couldn’t obey that order, rolling her hips in an effort to ease the painful fullness inside. Moving didn’t help—the pain was still there, plus even that slight action inflamed the aching need within.

“No, baby... don’t... fuck... ” He gripped her hips in both hands now, holding her still.

She shuddered as he pulled back, tried to brace herself for another deep penetration.

But he withdrew completely.

A harsh sound of denial escaped as she tried to follow, reestablish the connection, but Niko wouldn’t let her. The Fae part of her shrieked and wailed within her, furious at being denied what they’d needed for so long—and the wolf was snarling, pacing within her skin.

With desperate strength, Zee lashed those impulses and buried them, deep, deep inside as Niko rose, scooping her up in his arms. Then they were moving.

They were on the bed moments later—hers? his?—she had no idea and he spread her thighs wide, coming down between them.

Instinctively, she tensed for another intrusion. That was the rational, almost human part of her brain. But the wolf and Fae within her still howled in hungry demand. Take him... He’s ours... Take, take, take...

Her claws threatened to punch through her skin and her control, something she’d long ago mastered, threatened to shatter. She contained the wolf, barely, but the otherness that was her Fae heritage slipped free and had her rubbing against him.

His cock pulsed and she froze, the sensations at war inside her threatening to send her into panic.

“Shhh... ” Niko rubbed his lips against hers as he settled his weight fully atop her body. “It’s alright, Zee. It won’t hurt again. Fuck, baby... I’m so sorry. I didn’t know.”

His words made no sense.

Nothing did.

Zee felt lost, spinning out into the void with nothing to anchor her and this time, when her control wobbled and her wolf slipped the reins, she couldn’t stop herself from grabbing his arms, couldn’t keep her claws from breaking free, piercing his skin.

It was the scent of his blood in the air that made her aware of what she’d done and she went to jerk back. Niko nipped her lower lip. “Don’t stop... I’ve always loved your she-wolf’s claws, Zee.”

Before she could process that, he sucked on her lower lip and bit her again, gently, before sucking, then licking at her mouth with all the laziness of a man enjoying a popsicle on a summer night. One hand stroked her side, from the outer curve of her breast down to her hip, then back up in a sweeping caress before following the same path.

“I didn’t mean to hurt you,” he murmured against her mouth, nibbling at her lower lip again before sweeping his tongue along the curve. “I’m so sorry, baby. I’ll make it better, I swear.”

Thrown by the gentle words from the man who’d so coldly discarded her, then ignored her for a decade, Zee had no response. Did he want one? The other parts of her were very much against the idea of talking and she was quickly losing the battle when it came to controlling the wolf and the wantonness of her Sidhé self.

“Open your mouth for me, baby. Let me kiss you, let me make it all better.”

This time, when he swept his tongue out, he teased the opening of her lips, much like he’d done the night of their first date, teasing her into relaxing, yielding for him. And now, just like then, she was lost to him. The kiss took her over and she arched closer, empty places once more demanding to be filled.

Niko gripped her hip when she started to rock against him. Against her lips, he murmured, “Easy, baby... We’ve got all night.”

“I... what?”

Instead of answering, he shifted to the side and when she tried to follow, he covered her belly with his hand, holding her in place. “Let me play.”

Again, she had no response, her throat too tight to form words, her head spinning like one of the thrill rides she’d ridden with Meri earlier in the summer. He slid his hand down, fingers splayed wide and the tips touching the curls between her thighs.