Demitrimademego all the way back to that same fucking hotel room.

The whole walk, I chewed on my bottom lip, shooting furtive glances down different hallways and exits. The fact that Demitri held my hand the entire way through the hotel was a glaring give away that he was totally onto me.

We weren’t a couple. We didn’t hold hands and do cute shit like other couples. We fucked together, laughed together, and understood each other's darkness. Holding hands was not part of that deal, and his hand around mine felt a hell of a lot more like the handcuffs I had on earlier than the tender grip of a lover.

Anger pumped each beat of my heart as we stopped in front of the same room he’d picked me up from just hours ago.

“Well, thanks for walking me all the way back here,” I huffed, squirming my hand out of his. Demitri didn’t let it phase him, allowing the rejection to roll off of his shoulders as he peered down at me with pointed intent.

“I’m a gentleman ‘til the end.”

Offering him a pitiful half-laugh, I eyed the hotel door I had absolutely no intention of walking through. Suddenly, a thought struck, and I spun towards Demitri with victory curling up the ends of my mouth.

“I actually don’t have a key to the room. So, I’ll just head down to the front desk to get one.” Alone.

“No need for that.” He nudged me aside. “It’s been a while since I’ve jimmied a lock, but I think I still have it in me.” He cracked a shine of white teeth, smug as fuck as he fished out his wallet, his elegant fingers tugging a credit card free.

My shoulders sank down with irritation pushing them low. Of-fucking-course he knew how to break into a locked room. In no time at all, he’d popped the handle down and opened the door wide, nodding his head for me to lead the way.

“Go ahead. I’ll stay here while you grab your charger.”

Pressure built in my bottom lip as I bit down on it, keeping in my cries of frustration. I didn’t have a charger, but this asshole knew that, didn’t he?

“I might grab a quick shower before I head out. Wash today off of me, so you can just head back and I’ll catch up.”

Demitri pressed his lips together, nodding. “He still asleep in there?”

Craning a quick glance back towards the bed, Agent Reyes was exactly where I’d left him. Hadn’t moved an inch.

“Yup. Out like a light.”

If Demitri was so damned determined to get me inside this room, then I would go. I’d go inside, make sure not to wake up Drunk-ass, and then escape all over again. I had done it once; I could do it again easily enough.

Curving my gaze back up to Demitri, he watched me like a hawk as I planted myself inside the hotel room just past the door frame. I gave him an obnoxious “happy?” look with an overkill of sarcasm lifting my eyebrows, and he seemed pleased.

Our final moments together were being nailed in with mockery and passive aggression, and I hated it. He’d been the only person over the last five years to give a single shit about me. Demitri Vitalis had been sweet and patient and nothing I deserved, and if I had things my way, this would be the last time I’d be alive in front of him.

And he deserved better than this.

I opened my mouth to tell him just that when he wound his large hand around the door handle and cut me off.

“I’ll be seeing you, Red.”

I watched with a gasp of horror ballooning inside of me as he sent me an audacious wink, and then slammed the door between us closed so hard it sounded like a gunshot.

“Motherfucker,” I cursed, snapping in the direction of the man I left asleep.

Agent Reyes' eyes cracked open, alert holding them wide as he went to sit straight up. Muscles in my neck tensed as I cringed, watching as he was yanked back down, his burly limbs clumsily falling against the mattress.

He blinked like twenty times, trying to get the world into focus again, and I wondered if I had time to shrink back into the wall or run. Those thoughts of escape keeled over and died as his set of wild eyes fell on me. We stared at each other for a few seconds as he struggled to catch up to the happenings.

Me, standing way over here. Him, handcuffed to the bed.

And in no time at all, golden honeysuckle eyes rolled over blood red.

The muscles in Agent Reyes' arm pulled taut as he jammed his locked arm forward, rattling the bedpost something fierce. He made a fist that indented the strong veins in his forearms as he replayed the same jarring move over again. The bed shook but refused to bend to his wayward temper.

Eyes a crimson fury sliced up to me, a snarl pulling his lips back. “Get your ass over here now.”