The sun’s sinking low in the sky over the Smoky Mountains when Jace and Seth gather around the bar nook. “So, what’d I miss?” Seth asks, hooking his thumbs around his belt loops.
Jace laughs. “Damn near everything.” His lips twitch as he locates Luke, who’s across the kitchen, out of earshot. “Luke hates Beau. But Beau’s in a contract for three more weeks.”
Seth blinks at the words as they settle. Hates? Luke’s cool and calm. It takes a lot to piss him off. “No shit?”
“No shit.”
“Well, hell.” Seth frowns, wishing everyone would stop being so damn cryptic. “What’d he do to rile up Luke?”
Jace hesitates. “He keeps talkin’ about you not comin’ back. Thinks he’s gunnin’ for your spot.” He rolls his eyes. “Long story short, he suffers from assholeitis.”
Seth cocks a brow. “Worse than Griff?”
“Griff’s a saint compared to this guy.” Jace strokes a finger down a rusty sideburn. “I don’t know how Beau was doin’ things before, but Luke ain’t havin’ it. But Beau ain’t gettin’ it either.” He gives Seth a just wait look. “You’ll meet him tomorrow.”
“How’s he play?”
“He’s okay. He ain’t you.”
“Hell, I’m touched, Jace.”
“Just make sure you buy me dinner later.”
Seth gives him a shit-eating grin. It feels good. Being with his band. His family.
Before he can say anything else, Luke steps up, a bottle of whiskey in his hands. He nods at the window. At Seth’s ATV. “You know I’m drivin’ that into the lake tonight.”
Seth laughs. His brother’s hatred for his ATV knows no bounds. “Hey, I gotta put ol’ June to use one of these days.”
Griff glances over, latching onto the conversation. “Luke’s got a doctor parked down in the guest house, so feel free to take a swim.”
“That lake’s cold as shit,” Jace says.
Seth grins, too amused to be annoyed with Griff. He stares at his brother. Luke’s pouring out generous shots of whiskey. “You ain’t serious.”
Sal floats to his side. Her smile mischievous. “Oh, he is.”
“First daddy jitters,” Emmy Lou chimes in from her spot at the counter, where she’s cutting Christmas cookies into star shapes.
A nod from Luke, his eyes on Sal’s belly. “We’re out in the fuckin’ boonies. You think I’m takin’ chances?” He swears finding himself short on glasses and strides away to grab another.
Under her breath, so Luke can’t hear, Sal says to Seth, “Watch this.”
She presses a hand against her stomach. Pulls her beautiful face into a neutral expression. And stands there. Waiting.
Jace snorts.
Alabama clicks her tongue. “She’s been doin’ this the last two days.”
Instantly, Luke hustles back over, his face an intent frown, the whiskey glass forgotten. “Sal, darlin’, you okay?”
“I’m fine, Luke. Just heartburn.”
He splays his lean hand across the curve of her stomach. His long fingers fanned out protectively. “You sure?”
Trying to hide a smirk, Seth crosses his arms, watching in amusement as his scatterbrained brother strides back to the counter, clumsily dodging Winston, who’s winding through his legs, looking for a handout. Leaning into Sal, he says, “You know you’re gonna give him a heart attack, right?”