Outside, everyone gathers around the fire pit in a loose circle. Lacey selects a love seat, with Sal curling up beside her. Seth takes a seat in the chair to her right, Luke to Sal’s left.
“You okay?” Sal whispers, her eyes alert, worried. She’s noticed Lacey’s quietness earlier tonight.
“Yeah. I’m great,” Lacey whispers back, meaning it. She’s already feeling better. Thanks to the relaxing effect of the whiskey, to Seth’s bolstering words, to the sight of her sister snuggled next to her.
She’s going to enjoy this time. Have fun. Relax.
Sal groans as Emmy Lou uncorks another bottle of wine. She lifts a wineglass filled with clear liquid, her voice droll. “Don’t mind me. I’ll nurse my sparkling water in sober silence.”
Emmy Lou tuts. “Only for a little while longer, sugar.”
Lacey giggles. She wraps an arm around Sal and pulls her close. “Don’t worry. I’ll drink enough for both of us.”
Sal laughs, winding a strand of Lacey’s blond hair around her finger. “I’ll live vicariously through you.”
“How many more weeks y’all still have?” Alabama asks, looking to Luke and Sal.
“Due in March.” Keeping watch on Sal’s face, Luke says, “Couple more months.”
Griff slings his arm around Alabama. “What are y’all bettin’ on? Boy or girl?”
“Oh, I bet it’s a girl,” Emmy Lou chimes in. “You’re carryin’ high.”
“I just want a healthy baby in my arms,” Sal murmurs, staring into her water, her eyes dim.
And then because Lacey knows Sal hates this conversation, knows they haven’t found out the sex because they’re trying to brace against another heartbreak, Lacey sniffs and says, “Whatever it is, I just hope it’s not ugly.”
A round of chuckles lightens the mood.
Sal floats her a grateful glance.
There’s a chill in the air and Lacey shivers, tucking her hands between her legs. Seth’s right; she should’ve brought warmer clothes. Although, she’ll never tell him that.
But she doesn’t need to. He reads her loud and clear, attuned to her needs. Understanding her with one quick, searching glance. That’s the best part of their intimacy. Someone who knows her for her.
Seth stands, slowly dragging a blanket across her lap. “Here you go, princess.” To the group, he drawls, “California girl can’t hack it.” Her eyes narrow in a snappish retort, and then she realizes that’s what Seth wants. Their banter. One thing they can do in front of everyone.
“Eat bees, Seth,” she bites back.
Griff chokes on his beer, while Jace gives an amused head shake.
Alabama turns to Seth. “Speakin’ of California? How was it?”
“Aside from babysittin’ this one ...” Seth jerks a thumb at Lacey and she rolls her eyes. “Was a real blast from the past. Played with Graham Watts.”
Luke turns to Seth, his eyes surprised. “No shit. You did?”
“Just a cover. No big deal.”
“It was a big deal,” Lacey says, determined for Seth to take the spotlight. “He was amazing.” Her cheeks warm as Jace raises a brow. The compliment too nice. She shrugs. “For Seth.”
Seth smiles into his beer.
“Cool, man,” Griff says, awe in his voice. “Graham’s a legend.”
Seth looks wary at Griff’s compliment but concedes, “Yeah, it was pretty damn cool.”
“You remember that mixtape we had when we were kids?” Luke asks Seth. His brother’s eyes are bright. “What was on it?”