Page 81 of Need You Now

“I don’t either. It’s just ...” Lacey frowns, hesitates. “It’s so much.”

He knows what she means. Hell, he’s still grappling with how to tell Sal. Because what does he say? That he went out to LA and fucked her sister when he was supposed to be taking care of her? That they’ve been doing this sneaking around business for the last three years? That they’re together? That he loves her?

He’s got no clue how Sal will react. Back in LA, all he was worrying about was what Lacey felt for him, and now he’s worrying about what Sal will think. He remembers her always teasing him about his casual indifference to relationships. Girls he picked up after shows, in bars. It never lasted. Even Sal knew that. So, he doesn’t know how she’ll take the fact that he’s with her baby sister. If she’ll believe it’s serious.

His bond with Sal is deep, and the last thing he wants to do is ruin it.

The Bronco rumbles down a steep incline. Seth swears, checking quick over his shoulder to see how the ATV’s holding up. It was an impulse purchase, a blowout from a nice check, and here, out in the country, he’ll finally get the chance to use it right.

“Whoa,” Seth says when he sees a glittering lake surrounded by Fraser firs. Through the thick trees, he spies a house, but the sharp curve of a road has him losing the sight. “Luke’s really got us out in the middle of fuckin’ nowhere, don’t he?”

Excitement lining her pretty face, Lacey straightens up. A little gasp puffs out of her mouth when they round the corner and the cabin comes into full view. It rises up like something unreal, perched high above the Smoky Mountains, a massive three-story mahogany chalet with decks on every level and floor-to-ceiling windows showcasing mountain views.

“Jesus,” Seth says, gawking himself as he steers them down the landscaped pathway.

Luke got Sal a goddamn mansion. And why wouldn’t he? It’s his and Sal’s last getaway before the kid comes. A quiet Christmas for Sal without the press around.

Lacey’s smiling, her face a bright beam of joy. “This is unbelievable,” she breathes.

Seth glances at her quick, the sudden urge to give her everything overwhelming in its intensity and need.

“We can’t tell Sal,” Lacey blurts as he arcs around the driveway, throwing the Bronco in park next to Luke’s truck. “Not yet. Not right away. She’s here to relax. We can’t show up and spring it on her.”

Seth stares. She’s right. He knows they have to go about this the right way. He wasn’t exactly going to come out of the gate swinging, but still ...

He rubs the back of his head. “How long you thinkin’?”

“I don’t know.” Lacey’s biting her lip. “After Christmas?”

Seth cocks a brow and exhales. “You’re tellin’ me I gotta keep my hands off you for four damn days?”

He ain’t happy about that. Especially right now. Lacey’s looking so damn beautiful he’s got a bone-deep ache. They barely started this thing, made it official, and now ... he’s gotta play hands-off?

Lacey leans into him, pressing her breasts against his chest. “Not hands-off, just out of sight.” She nibbles his earlobe and Seth goes hard. “Who knows, it could be fun?”

“Yeah, for fuckin’ you,” Seth growls, reaching to take her in his arms, but then Lacey’s quickly scooting back to the passenger-side door. He follows her gaze.

The front door of the cabin opens to reveal Sal and Luke, and a barking Winston. Lacey squeals, giving Seth a bright smile before bolting for her sister. Chuckling, Seth climbs out of the Bronco. Instantly, he’s hit with a high of fresh mountain air and a fierce bear hug from his brother.

Seth’s throat tightens, and he hugs Luke back just as hard. “Hey, man, good to see you.”

“Good to have you home,” Luke says, pulling away after a moment. He looks Seth over, gripping him hard by the shoulder, his dark eyes serious and soft. “’Bout damn time too.”

Seth’s nerves ease a bit seeing Luke’s face. His brother’s grin is bright, no trace of worry or concern on his face.

They turn toward Sal and Lacey. The sisters are in their own little world, as they tend to do when they’re together. Sal’s eyes on Lacey, Lacey’s eyes on Sal.

“Oh my God, Sal,” Lacey says, untangling from Sal’s embrace to look down. Her cheeks flush with happiness as she presses palms against Sal’s budding stomach. “You’re still so tiny.”

Sal laughs. “Oh, there’s a baby in there alright. A tiny kickboxer who beats me up on a daily basis.”

“And your boobs.” Lacey gasps. “They look so good.”

“Amen, amen,” Luke drawls, waggling a devilish brow.

Sal gives Lacey and Luke a wry grin before turning her attention to Seth. She drifts toward him, her arms outstretched. “How much do I love you?” she says, her green eyes sparkling. “For taking such good care of my sister. For convincing her to come.” She hugs him. “Thank you, Seth. It’s the best present you could give me.”

He squeezes her tight, leaning back to take her and her belly in. “I don’t know how much convincin’ I did.”