Once inside the room, Seth’s hit by a wave of emotion.
Just like that—his brother and Sal are mom and dad.
It’s too goddamn great for words.
Sal’s propped up in bed, a small bundle wrapped tight in her arms. She looks luminous with joy. Seeing Lacey and Seth, her face lights up. “You both stayed!”
Lacey, her squeal on a low simmer, rushes to Sal’s side.
Seth affects a casual shrug. “Hey, someone had to stay to make sure Luke kept it together.”
A snort from Luke.
Seth evaluates at Sal. She looks tired but happy. “You doin’ okay?”
“Oh, we’re great,” Sal whispers and smiles. “You want to meet your nephew?”
“Yeah.” Seth says, choked up. “I do.”
His heart’s in his throat as he approaches the bed.
Carefully, Sal removes the blanket to give him a good look at the swaddled baby. “This is Cash.” She stares up at Seth, her face one of wonder and joy. “Want to hold him before they take him to the NICU?”
Not trusting himself to talk, Seth nods. With help from Lacey, he gets Cash settled in his arms. His chest tightens as he takes in the tiny baby Sal and Luke worked so hard to have.
“Oh my God, Sal,” Lacey whispers, edging in. Together, he and Lacey peer down at the baby. “He’s so beautiful.”
He is. Small and quiet, Cash peeks up and out of the safety of the blanket. The baby has Sal’s dark hair and Luke’s dark eyes. Cash stares at Seth, head cocked as if he’s ready to listen to it all. “Hey, kid,” Seth says, around the lump in his throat. “You’re pretty cute, even if you caused all of us enough stress to have a heart attack.”
It’s then Seth makes the kid a vow that he will always be there for him. The way his brother was for him. Sal and Luke’s son will always be safe and protected. For as long as he lives, that kid will have him as backup. No matter what.
A small squawk from Cash has Lacey giggling.
“Great,” Seth says and stares at the baby in awe, his eyes wet. “Another loudmouth in the family.”
Luke laughs. “Learnin’ how to sing already.”
“You’re terrifying him, Seth,” Lacey says, smiling. With a gentle ease, she steals away the baby, fawning over his dark, wispy hair and adorable yawns.
All Seth can do is watch. A warmth, a tightness, grows in his chest, overwhelming him in the best possible way. He doesn’t want kids, not now, not for a long time, but goddamn does he want Lacey to be the mother of his children.
Seth meets Lacey’s soft green eyes as she passes Cash back to Sal. While Sal takes her son into her arms, Lacey drifts to his side, lacing her fingers through his.
“Wait,” Sal says, catching Lacey and Seth curled into one another. Happiness shines bright in her eyes. “Really?”
“You know, if I didn’t know any better, I’d think you planned this.” Lacey laughs, tilting her face up to Seth’s to give him a dazzling smile. “But, yes, really.”
Seth grins, looping an arm around Lacey’s shoulders. “Just next time, go easy on the whole goin’-into-labor-early thing.”
Luke groan-laughs, going to his wife’s side. He puts an arm around her, looking down on her and his son in wonder. The new lights of his world.
As quiet laughter and conversation fills the room, Seth takes in his family, a contentedness filling him up inside like nothing he’s ever known. He’s finally where he needs to be. With his family. No secrets between him and his brother. Sal and Luke have their second chance with Cash.
He and Lacey get their second chance too. And he’s going to make every second, every damn minute count.
Lacey snaps the latches on her suitcase and gives her hair one final brush in the mirror. She smiles, picking a milky-white clump from her black velvet sweater. Baby spit. As gross as it is, it’s been her new accessory for the last two weeks.
Suitcase, duffel bag and purse in her hands, Lacey exits her bedroom and enters the hall. Instantly, she’s hit by the faint smell of baby powder. Stale reheated coffee. The thump of a guitar. Wild Antler Farm is still the same house she lived in so many years ago, but now it’s louder, more chaotic, filled with so much love she could burst.