Page 165 of Need You Now

“I’ll figure something out,” she whispers, reaching up to palm his jaw.

He gathers her tighter against him. “We will.”

Quiet silence drifts over them, and for a few brief minutes, the outside world forgotten, everything is perfect.

Seth stretches out in the waiting room chair, careful not to disturb Lacey. He’s dog-tired and worry for Sal and the baby eats at him. Everything in the world right now feels so precious.

Only Lacey, tucked contentedly in his arms, offers him any relief. She sleeps off and on, worn out from everything that’s happened today. He holds her tight against him. A reminder of what he’s gotten back.

He closes his eyes.

Losing her again ain’t an option.

They’re gonna work it out. It’s the damn surest thing he knows. Whatever he’s gotta do, he’ll do it. For the rest of her life, Lacey will know what she means to him. She won’t ever wonder if she’s safe or loved because he’ll show her every day how much his heart beats for her.

Leaning down, he presses a kiss to the top of her blond head.

Lacey lets out a small moan, stirring in his arms. She raises her head and stares at him sleepily. “What time is it?”

“A little after four,” he says in a low voice.


He shakes his head. “No.”

She sighs.

He knows the feeling. They’ve been at the hospital for hours with no word from Luke. He doesn’t want to think the worst. Hell, he can’t think the worst. Because the worst ain’t happening. Not to Sal and not to Luke.

Seth sits up, exhaling a long breath. “Hell, I gotta do somethin’.” He rubs his palms on the thighs of his jeans and looks to Lacey. “You want a coffee or—”

A small squeak cuts him off, Lacey’s eyes wide and wondering.

Seth follows her gaze. Luke’s striding down the corridor, looking like the luckiest son of a bitch in the world.

“He’s smiling.” Lacey turns to Seth, a grin on her own gorgeous face. “Luke’s smiling.” She grabs his hand so hard he winces. “That’s good, right?”

“That’s goddamn great,” Seth says, and then they’re standing, meeting Luke in the middle of the hall.

“Well?” Seth says, rubbing his clammy palms together. Nerves damn near got him beat. “What’s the word?”

“Are they okay?” Lacey blurts, tears already welling in her eyes.

“Sal’s okay, the baby’s okay,” Luke says with a shaky exhale. He looks almost shellshocked at his good luck. “She lost some blood, but it ain’t nothin’ serious.”

Seth blows out a relieved breath. “Thank Christ.”

“Well?” Lacey jumps up and down, her hands clasped together. “Don’t keep us in suspense. What is it?”

Luke grins. “A boy.” His voice snags on the words, choked by emotion. “He’s tiny, but he’s perfect.” Luke’s eyes turn misty. “Cash. We named him Cash.”

Seth grins and squeezes his brother’s shoulder. “Damn, man,” he says, his own voice cracking. “Congrats.”

Lacey emits an earsplitting squeal. “Oh my God!” She latches onto Seth, shaking him so hard his teeth rattle. Luke’s next. She throws herself into his arms, hugging him and then hugging Seth until they’re all jumping around the hallway laughing so hard, they’re crying.

Luke laughs and runs a hand through his hair. “You want to see them?”

With that, they follow Luke down the hall to the large private room where Sal is.