Page 121 of Need You Now

Falling for Seth has her doing things she’s never wanted to do. Getting too close. Taking risks. Falling in love. Being left.

She inhales, blinking fast to chase away the emotion.

It all feels the same.

It fucking sucks.

She continues to wash, moving onto the utensils, her gaze drifting to the window. To the dark, to the cold outside where fat white flakes of snow fall. Perfect. Right in time for Christmas, she thinks and shivers at the thought.

“You cold, princess?”

Her heart seizes, and she closes her eyes.

The rumble of Seth’s voice warms her like a blanket.

Not like she’d tell him that.

Slowly, she dries her hands on a towel. Then she turns around to face him.

Seth stands in the kitchen, hands in his pockets, a sheepish expression on his handsome face.

“No,” Lacey huffs, crossing her arms. “I’m perfectly fine, in fact.”

He arches a brow at her words, then his face darkens. “Well, I ain’t fine. I’m a long way from fine.” Taking a step closer, he whisks his long fingers together. He looks halfway agonized. “I’ve been tryin’ to talk to you all night, Lace.”

She lifts her chin, stares straight at him. “Then talk.”

It’s a Herculean effort to stay away from him. To not throw herself into his arms and hold him tight. Hold him like she’ll never let go. Because she doesn’t want to let go. Deep down, she knows.

It’s Seth.

All the way.

He runs a hand through his sandy-blond hair.

“About today ... hell, I’m sorry, Lace. It got out of hand. I acted like—”

“An idiot.”

He stares at her. Nods. “An idiot. I wasn’t thinkin’ about how it would turn out. All I was thinkin’ about was gettin’ that asshole out of there.” He takes a step closer. “The last thing I wanted was for him to ruin this trip for Luke and Sal.” He pins his eyes to hers. “For you.”

Another step.

Lacey braces herself against the counter.

“And I know I scared you.”

“Scared?” Her mouth flattens into a white line. “You terrified me, Seth. I was so afraid you were hurt. If you had ...”

She breaks off, not wanting to cry, but unable to stop herself. She places a hand on her mouth to smother a sob.

Seth’s right there beside her, concern in his eyes.

“And it’s so stupid, but I couldn’t be there, I couldn’t worry about you because we’re stupid and keeping us a secret, and it made me so angry.” She squeezes her eyes shut, letting the words tumble out. “I don’t even know what we’re doing anymore, all I know is that I don’t want to lose you.” She shakes her head, the tears falling freely now. “I can’t lose you, Seth, anyone else, I can’t ... I can’t do it ...”

She’s crumbling, losing it, but before she can weep a puddle, Seth’s there.

He gathers her in his lean, muscular arms, pulling him to her. Lacey gives herself over to her emotions, to Seth’s comforting hug. She clings to him, pressing her cheek against his shoulder.