Page 11 of Love You Always

Abold sliver of August sunlight, bright, defiant, creeps through the window like a thief of joy. Scowling, Sal cracks an eye and turns on her side to get away from the blinding glare. It’s Sunday. Her first day off in over a week and if the sun thinks she’s waking up now it’s got another thing coming.

A soft chuckle comes from Luke as she tries to burrow into the crook of his arm. “Slay the sun, Luke,” she murmurs.

He curves an arm around her head and kisses her temple. “I’ll try for you, darlin, but somethin’ makes me think it wants us to have the day.”

Smiling, she unearths herself from her burrow to see Luke already awake and clear-eyed. One thing she’s learned about herself is that even losing her memory can’t change the fact that Sal’s a sleepyhead, while Luke’s a rooster—up at the crack of dawn. In fact, he’s probably been up already to feed the animals and then returned to bed.

She leans up to Luke, sweeping her mouth against his. “Good point.”

They lie there like that, entwined. Lying in Luke’s gentle, yet strong embrace feels like a decadence she doesn’t deserve. If she could stay here all day, she’d be content. But then she remembers it’s Sunday. While most people detest the end of the week, for Sal, it’s her favorite day. When she first returned to Nashville, Seth and Luke told her about their Sunday suppers, their home the hotspot hangout for musicians, friends, and family.

She loves these days. Days where her friends and family all gather in one spot. Days that show her this is where she belongs. Sunday suppers was one way she reclaimed her old life, her normality. Seeing everything good she has in her life dulled that painful ache she carried so hard with her when she first came back to Nashville. She’s where she’s meant to be.

Sunday means family. Laughter. Love. Bad hangovers.

The soft ping of her phone on her nightstand takes her attention.

Propping herself up on her elbow, Sal checks her phone. There’s a text from her sister, Lacey. I got the Colin Cane account!!!

She smiles, pride a buzz in her heart. She looks at Luke. “Lacey got that account she was working for.”

“How many exclamation marks?” Luke drawls, a sly grin on his face.


He gives her a look of sympathy. “Guess this means Nashville’s out of the question.”

Her smile fades. She had been trying to convince her sister to move to Nashville. The idea of Lacey out in LA all by herself wasn’t her favorite. She wanted her closer, wanted to get to know her better. If there’s one person who should be at their Sunday suppers, it’s Lacey.

“Guess so.”

“I’m sorry, darlin’,” Luke says, running a hand down her arm. “I know how much you were itchin’ to get her out here.”

“It’s okay,” Sal says, turning an appreciative eye to her husband. The lean muscles in his back flex as he pulls himself into a sitting position. Chiseled shoulders. Those long, tan fingers she loves. “Can’t win ’em all.”

Yawning, Sal sits up, brushing dark hair over her shoulder. “What time is everyone coming over today?”

“The usual,” Luke says. “Three. But Seth’s headed over earlier to show me his new dirt bike.”

“Which means in a month you’ll have one of your own.”

Luke laughs.

Shifting her position, Sal frowns. She sticks a hand between her legs. Her face must say it all because Luke’s there. He moves to the side of her bed and sits down. His voice gentle, he says, “Why don’t you take a shower and I’ll change the sheets?”

Sal nods, refusing to let this ruin her day. Unfurling herself from the bed, she stands, only to be suddenly sideswiped by a wave of dizziness. The ground tilts under her. Spots strobe in front of her eyes.

“Hey.” Firm hands grip her elbows, Luke’s worried face appearing in front of her. She’s lowered to sit on the edge of the bed. Luke kneels in front of her, still clasping her arm. “Sal, you okay?”

She shakes away wooziness. “I got lightheaded for a second there.”

Luke’s worried gaze tracks her.

Sal tilts her chin. “I’m fine, Luke.”

He sighs. “If I had a damn penny ...”

“Yeah, yeah, you’d be rich.” She presses a kiss to his lips. Gives him a look. “Don’t worry about me.”