Alabama forces a lean smile. “Right. Station stuff.”

Holly turns her owl-eyed gaze to Griff. “How is she?”

“You know, the usual,” Griff replies, his voice gruff. “Stubborn, not listenin’ to orders, in pain and hidin’ it.”

“Oh, so the famous Alabama trifecta.”

Alabama rolls her eyes. “I’m right here, y’all. I can hear you.”

Holly waves her off. “Bed’s all made up,” she tells Griff in a take-charge tone that tells Alabama she and Griff have been plotting. “Everything’s dusty but slightly livable inside. So what’s next, Grumps?”

Griff scowls, then starts, “The bags.”

When Alabama makes a move to follow, Griff blocks her with his body. His face red and flustered, he wears a mildly pained expression. “You—just stop. I’ll get ’em. Rest, that’s what you’re doin’.” He looks at Holly. “Permission granted to tie her to the damn bed if you have to.”

Holly gives a salute and grasps Alabama’s good shoulder. “You see? We’re both going to be tyrants. You have no choice in the matter.”

As she’s steered inside by Holly, Alabama glances over her shoulder at Griff as he strides across the lawn to the truck.


Despite everything that’s happened, she’s happy.