The shout that comes from the woman in front of him is a hoarse, red-tinged rage. She sounds so fierce, Seth blinks in surprise. The familiar spark of anger in her eyes shakes him to his core.

It’s Sal. He’d bet his life on it. And if he takes one more step, he just might because she’ll rip him a new one.

“Don’t follow me.”

That’s when she throws a hand up to ward him off.

Seth’s sharp gaze locks on her palm, zeroing in on the tattoo she shares with Luke.

He nearly falls over where he stands. The confirmation that it’s Sal hits him like a sledgehammer.

But his excitement is short-lived, sideswiped by Sal, who’s wading deeper into the ocean. The water swallows up her feet, her calves, her knees.

“Please,” she whispers. She smears her face in her hands, practically drills a finger into her temple. Lifts her face to stare at him. The fear in her voice, the defiance that’s given way to utter defeat, socks him hard in the gut. “Go away ... just let me go ...”

A chill zips up Seth’s spine. The way she’s talking ...

He watches warily as she wades further into the ocean. She winces at the coldness but strides forward. She looks uncaring if she drowns or is swept away by a wave.

Seth drops his eyes, unsettled by how far out she’s going.

The water’s at her hips now.

Fuck it. He’s going in.

Seth’s heart pounding in his chest, he wades into the ocean. He keeps his voice low and calm like he’s talking to a wounded animal, ready to flee. “I can’t let you go because I think you’re confused as hell, and I think you need some help.”

“No one can help me.”

The desperation on her face strangles his heart. Seth takes another step forward, eyeing the distance between them. She’s about a foot away. If he moved fast he could grab her, haul her back to shore. Although, yeah, she’d probably kick his ass.

“Now that’s where you’re wrong.” Seth puts a hand out, palm up. “Listen, let’s go back to the diner and I’ll explain everything.” He gives her a grin. “It’s cold. I got sand in my boots.”

She sob-laughs.

“I don’t think you wanna be here anymore than I do. I’ll buy you a coffee. I’ll help you.”

“You will?” The look she throws him is one of relief. “You’ll help me?”

Seth nods, his heart hammering in his chest. “I will. You got my word.”

With a turn of her head, she glances back toward the ocean. For a minute, Seth thinks he’s lost her, and adrenaline and fear kick in, tensing his body to go after her.

That’s when Sal’s beautiful face crumples. Her shoulders sag and she covers her face in defeat. Her voice barely more than a whisper, she says, “I don’t want to do this.”

“So don’t,” Seth soothes, inching forward, a hand out. “Come out of the water now, okay? Please, get the fuck out of there.”

She opens her mouth. “I ... oh ...”

Seth strains to hear, but the remainder of her sentence is lost to the wind.

Raising a hand to her temple, Sal lets out a strangled gasp. Seth’s horrified as he watches her eyes roll back in her head and her knees buckle. Springing into action, Seth clears the distance between them whip-quick. He catches her before she can sink beneath the waves.

“Shit,” he swears, hooking her into the curve of his arm. Cupping her pale cheek, Seth scans Sal, hanging limp in his arms, with immense worry.

Her eyelids rest half-mast, the eyes beneath unfocused. Her head lolls on her shoulders, her mouth open in a soundless gasp. The ends of her long, wild hair trail the water. Carefully, he hoists Sal high into his arms. His muscles tighten as he pulls her into his chest tightly, protectively, not wanting to crush her. He carries her body out of the water, and even though she’s unconscious, he can feel her shivering.

Seth staggers onto the beach and lays Sal on the sand. With shaky hands, he wipes dark hair from her face, presses frantic fingers to her throat.

Thank God, thank Christ.

Seth bows his head in relief. The heartbeat is thin and thready, but it’s there. As he scans her unconscious form, he zeroes in on more bruises dotting her slender white neck.

Rage tightens his jaw, but before anger can take over, Seth checks it. Sal’s priority. Nothing and no one else.

His head jerks up at the crunch of sand. It’s Jace, hurrying down the sloped path to the beach. “Call an ambulance,” Seth shouts. “Now!”

His gaze moves back to Sal, lying still and unconscious. She’s breathing unevenly, her body trembling with a pain Seth can’t fathom. Quickly, he shucks off his thin overshirt and covers her soaked dress, wanting to keep her warm.

Keeping his eyes on her expressionless face, Seth slides a hand into Sal’s cold one and squeezes. “You’re gonna be okay, Sal,” he tells her fiercely. “I promise. We won’t let anything happen to you. We’re gonna get you home to Luke.”