“You are.” Her voice shakes as she flashes the cell phone.

He recoils at the text message, at the website link that leads directly to the crucifying photo of him and Alabama. A picture from the past sent again.

When he sees who sent it direct to Sal, who leaked it to the press, his fists clench. Mort. Payback for tearing up their contract.

That son of a bitch. Luke will destroy him.

Anger wells in him, but Luke pushes his own feelings aside. Right now, the most important thing is Sal and what she believes. Through no fault of her own, she can’t remember, so of course she’d think the photo was bad. Of course she’d think it was exactly what it looked like.

“Sal, listen,” Luke says hoarsely. “It’s not what you’re thinkin’.”

She jabs the phone at him. Her rage scorches. “It is! It’s all right here, Luke!”

“The picture’s from last year. It’s a long story, but I can explain everything.”

“How can I believe anything you say anymore?” A sob escapes her. “You’ve kept everything from me. The baby, this. You don’t love me. This isn’t my life.”

Her words are excruciating.

“I do,” Luke chokes out. “I love you.”

“No, you don’t, you don’t.” A tremor ripples through her body as she meets his gaze. “If you loved me, then this photo would never exist, would it? And it wouldn’t be the fucking home page of the Nashville Star website. I mean, my God, Luke, everyone knows.” She tips her head up to the night sky, tears rolling down her pale face. “How could you do this to me?”

Sal’s shaking. Her eyes crazed and haunted, she looks like a woman drained. Luke can’t imagine what this is doing to her. The embarrassment he’s caused her. Christ, she gave him her trust and he shit all over it.

“Please listen to me,” he pleads. “I’ll give you anything you want, just hear me out.”

“Don’t bother. Your words are bullshit, Luke!” She thrashes her dark head, then lasers her eyes on him. “You’re a liar just like Roy. You lie.”

Luke staggers back at her cutting words. The cruelest blow she could deliver. He deserves it. Deserves it all.

She turns to run.

It’s panic that has him grabbing for her wrist.

He holds her gently, desperate to make her understand, not to let her go again. “Sal, please—”

Her eyes wild, she wrenches away. Her wrist slips through his hands.

She bolts, throwing herself into the night. Into the pouring rain. Into the bustling streets of Broadway.

He’s on her heels, as fast as he can, but it’s still not enough.

She’s swallowed up by a crowd of people.

“Sal!” Luke shouts. He tries to fight his way through the throng of people, but to no avail.

She’s gone.

He’s lost her.