The rumble of Seth’s soft voice breaks through her spinning mind. “Sal, sit down before you fall down.” He tries to take her elbow.
She jerks like she’s been burned. “Don’t touch me.”
She backs away from Seth, the sadness in his eyes unbearable.
Her only thought is to get away from the stares, from the whispers, from the exclamations of bafflement directed her way. From Luke, who’s bulldozing through the throng of people. The frantic look on his face tells her he’s seen the same thing she has.
Disoriented and dizzy, Sal whirls away from him. Elbowing her way out of the crowd, her skirt in her hands, she moves fast toward neon EXIT sign.
As she slams out of the double back doors into the alley, the tears turn on like a flood. So does Sal’s memory. Finding the name Alabama scrawled on a notepad. The duet she never knew about. Alabama coming up to her at the birthday party, trying to tell her something. Her and Luke, not minutes ago, out on the patio. Alone.
And there’s more. More memories. Déjà vu, a sense Sal’s experienced this before. Sal in her hospital bed. After the car accident. Luke’s face, so guilty, so pleading. Begging for forgiveness. Because he—
A sob escapes Sal.
He lied.
About their love. Their life. Their marriage.
All this time he’s been telling her he loved her, that she’s his only one, and he’s been—oh God. The thought has fangs and it tears at her heart.
She was an idiot. A fool to believe things could have been so real. That she had finally found the life she was meant to live.
She gave him her heart—for a second time—and all he’s given her has been betrayal and bullshit.
Was he even happy she was back? Was he only taking care of her because he felt guilty? And who else knew? Lacey? Seth?
Her fingers brush against her temple. She squeezes her eyes shut, faint with hurt and confusion, barely able to think over the roaring in her head.
Oh God, this can’t be happening.
But it is happening, because suddenly, Luke’s crashing through the back door, and Sal’s whirling around to face him.
This time, to finally get the truth.
It was pure panic and Luke had never moved so fast in his life.
Uncaring about the eyes on him, the murmured whispers, he ripped after Sal, who was moving fast for the back door to get away from him—because of him.
She saw the photo.
He saw Seth’s face across the bar, dismay and horror all over his brother’s face, and it was instant. Luke knew Sal knew.
And then, Luke’s slamming out the back door, finally reaching Sal, who stands staring at him across the alleyway.
Tears glitter in her eyes, but her face is contorted by pain and hurt.
Before he can speak, she says, “When were you going to tell me, Luke?”
Hands up, out, he steps forward. “Sal, I can explain—”
“You’re having an affair.”
“No, darlin’. Never.”
Sal’s face is so pale, she looks like she’s about to faint. Luke takes a step toward her so he can catch her if she falls.