Page 13 of Enchanted Fairytale

“What?” The beast turns back around to face me. His eyes glow a deep amber color.

I stand up straighter and repeat myself. “I said, take me instead.”

His eyes widen as a sinister smile forms on his face.

I don’t wait for his response. “Let them go free. I will be your prisoner instead.”

“BELLE, no,” Dad says from behind me.

I can hear the hurt and surprise in his tone.

Dad reaches his hand through the bars to grab my hand. “You can’t do this. You have your whole life ahead of you.”

“Me? You two have the rest of your life to spend with one another and I promise I will find a way out of here.”

“Belle, I have your mom with me now, that is all that matters. Where we are isn’t important in the grand scheme of things.”

Why are they being so stubborn? Mom has been locked up for years. She deserves to see the sunshine and enjoy freedom for a change.

“I won’t let the two of you stay here any longer than necessary.”

Mom interjects. “And we won’t let you become a prisoner.”

Turning around, I face the beast. “I’m an adult and I have made up my mind.”

He gently nods his head before walking around me, unlocking the jail cell, and holding the door open for them.

Mom and Dad don’t move an inch. It is almost like they are hesitant to leave the jail cell.

Why won’t they switch places with me?

I raise my eyebrows and ask, “What are the two of you waiting for?”

Mom and Dad share a look, but don’t speak. Mom has never been this quiet before. She always spoke her mind and went out of her way to socialize.

Have the past few years changed who she used to be?

The beast lets out an annoyed sigh. “Well? What is it going to be? I don’t have all day to stand here and wait for the three of you to make up your minds. Either the two of you stay and close the door, or she takes your place.”

When none of us make a move, he gets angry and yells, “Now!”

His anger bounces off the wall and booms in this small space. I can tell he means business and he means it right now.