Page 4 of That Feeling

I try to focus the rest of the day, but it’s hard knowing she’s somewhere around here. Every once in a while, I catch myself glancing over my shoulder trying to find her.

By the time I’m done for the day, the sun is setting and I’m exhausted. Ranch life never sleeps, so I know I have to be up bright and early tomorrow morning . . . and I still have a long drive back home tonight.

I turn off the bull and leave the key with Miss Bellows. Normally, I’d walk around and tell my dad and brother I’m leaving, then say a quick “good night” to my cousins, aunts, and uncles scattered around here, but I don’t want to risk being spotted by what’s-her-name from earlier trying to nail down the details of our date.

I tip my hat down a little lower and pull my jacket tighter as I walk across the field toward my truck. I reach for the handle just as I hear the crunch of gravel. The steps quicken as I swing the driver’s side door open.

“You’re not trying to bail on me, are you?”

Fuck. She found me.

“Wouldn’t dream of it,” I smile as I turn around to face her.

“You sure? Kinda seems like you are.” She steps closer to me and I close the door, casually leaning against it with my shoulder.

“You having second thoughts?” I ask, hoping she says yes, but she slowly shakes her head no.

“Tomorrow night? I’ll meet you at the Lariat here in Grand Lake at 7. Deal?”

She’s doing that thing again—shoving her hands into her back pockets as she bites her bottom lip. She looks up at me through her eyelashes as she steps a little closer, her breasts so close to touching me, I can feel heat radiating off her body.

She knows what she’s doing to me. It’s evident by the little smirk on her face. “How do I know you won’t just stand me up?” she asks.

“You don’t.”

I can smell her sweet perfume. I’m clenching my jaw again, but I can’t will myself to relax when she’s standing this close to me.

“Maybe I should entice you not to flake on me.” Her words are barely above a whisper as she rises up onto her tiptoes and places her lips ever so softly against mine. She leans against me—her breasts smashing against my chest—and I swear I can feel her nipples harden. She breaks the kiss, stepping back just as quickly. “See you tomorrow.”

She spins on her heels to leave, and I know I shouldn’t, but I dart my hand out and grab her arm. I pull her back toward me, with the sound of her breath leaving her body in an audible huff as she slams against me. I spin her until her back hits the door of my truck and I plant my hands on either side of her face. I lean in, taking her lips with my own. My tongue snakes inside her mouth, lapping at her. She whimpers and nips at my tongue, causing me to pull back.

“Maybe I should entice you to not fucking tease me,” I say through gritted teeth as I press my hardening cock against her lower belly.

She giggles and I drop one hand to her shoulder, running my fingers over it and up around her neck. I watch as her smile fades, her mouth falling open as her eyes grow heavy-lidded in an instant. It only spurs me on as I tighten my fingers a little, the pads pressing firmly against her warm skin.

“And how would you do that?” Her eyes are still locked on mine, and it makes me want to exert dominance, control her.

“Maybe I should bend you over the bed of my truck and really test your earlier statement about being able to ride something a lot longer than eight seconds.”

She swallows, and I can feel her throat constricting against my hand that’s still wrapped around her.

“Or maybe,” I say as I lean in and nip at her earlobe before sucking on it, “I should have you drop to your knees and see if you suck as good as you run your mouth.”

She brings out a side of me I haven’t expressed with anyone before. I don’t even know her, but something about her makes me want to strip myself bare and lose myself in her.

I can feel her trembling against me. I’m not sure if it’s from fear or excitement or both, but instead of finding out, I release her, stepping back to put some space between us and regain control of myself and the situation.

“Tomorrow night,” I say as I reach around her to open my door again and climb into my truck. I don’t look back—I just leave her standing in the parking lot as I head home.

I feel like a complete asshole knowing full well I have no intention of following through on our date plans. It’s not that I don’t want to, it’s just that I have no interest in getting involved with a tourist who will just be gone in a week or two. I did that a lot in my twenties and it seemed fun at the time—the no-strings-attached sex and all—but it just left me feeling empty. The sex was mediocre at best and often unsatisfying . . . although with her, I can just about guarantee it would be fucking amazing.

I turn up the radio and let my mind drift to the million and one things I have to get done before I head into the office tomorrow for our quarterly board meeting. Trent has some new endeavor to present to us, and a new staff member to onboard. Once I make it home, I shower, eat some leftover pasta, and pass out.

I’m up before the sun, like clockwork. I have a cup of coffee, some oatmeal, and fruit, then head out to check the cattle and get the cowboys going for the day. Ranching ain’t for the weak of heart or mind. It’s tough and lonely, but I find serenity and peace in riding my horse through the pasture as the sun comes up over the mountains.

By the time I’ve made the drive into the brewery office, I’ve been up for more than three hours. Ranger, my right-hand rancher and cousin, doesn’t need much direction when it comes to managing the cowboys and the day-to-day tasks. He knows that when I go into the office, he can reach me if need be, but more than likely he’ll be just fine.

“Mornin’,” I say to my brother as I walk into the boardroom and head straight to the coffee and donut station—the one good thing about coming into the office.